I agree that the Roman cavalry didn't wear a kind of full plate armour and I don't think any evidence of such armour plated gear was ever found. I can't watch the documentary Phid was referring first about this thread but your statement seems to be more correct (chainmail, enclosed helmet and the Spatha sword). I'm curious to know what evidence they brought in that documentary. This make me think of a documentary made by BBC3 that I watched a few days ago; it was about medieval England, the Hundred Year's War and the Plague, telling how stunning were England and Richard II at the time until they came out with Gothic architecture which, according to the documentary, was created in England !! I agree about some kind of pride about History but sometimes the limit between History and chauvinism seems quite thin. (including me)
Difficult to say if those statues were clothed or not but painted for sure:http://harvardmagazine.com/2007/11/dazzlers-htmlNow, about the outcry you are referring to, I don't understand why people are so shocked about that! What we can see today might be very different than how it looked in the past (especially about churches or cathedrals which were once brightly coloured inside and outside)Here's a contemporary example of a dressed sculpture made by Edgar Degas around 1880. (Let's see how it will look like in 2000 years)
There is a Swiss scientist saying that Atlantis was on Mars and that they traded with the ancient Egyptians.link
This might be the main reason for the referendum on immigration held on February 2014 😛About Alexander and others, I think it's more about their achievements or according to later chroniclers that they owe their "nickname" : the Great, the Fat, Lackland, Lionheart, the Magnificent, etc. and less about their physical appearance. IMO
Which sport are you made for? http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-28062001Logging? Weightlifting? Happyhour-ing?Take 30 seconds to dash through the 13 quick questions in our sports quiz and we'll have our best stab at suggesting which events from the Commonwealth Games could match your physical and mental abilities. After taking it, it seems that I sould practice judo or squash
After the shot down of MH17 flight and “revelations” of a foreign-backed sneaky war there, let's see if anything has changed since HL7442 flight in 1983.Meanwhile keep logging (just in case 😀 )