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Participant“Treachery, backstabbing and rebellion – traditionally the elements of film noir rather than football.”
ParticipantForget about France: it's what shame really is.
ParticipantNot impossible. I saw a picture in a Newspaper recently where the lions had been draped with the German tricolor during the World Cup. A friend of mine actually cried when Germany lost their semi-final game. I had to try real hard to not laugh.
If I wanted to be mean ...
ParticipantHow about the First Triumvirate of Rome (Crassus, Pompei, and Caesar)? Or the Second Triumvirate formed by (Octavian, Marc Antony, and Lepidus)? I'm not sure this is a diplomatic example like you are asking, but it's diplomacy of some sort anyway.Or how Muhammad allied with the Jews to take Medina and Mecca away from the Quraysh tribe?
Diplomacy for authoritarianism ?!
ParticipantI agree with both of you but which criteria to use if you want to state about the birth of a nation ? The territory (land) ? The people ? The culture (language included) ? All of them ?In my example, the land seems to be used but I think that if you want to define the birth of nation, you unconsciously refer to the present-day situation thus I believe that all the above criteria must be considered. Forget about about "our ancestors the Gauls", "Clovis, the father of France", "Charlemagne French/German/Belgian emperor" and so on ...I think that most of our view about the past is conditioned by what previous "culture" wanted people to believe (aka XIX c and Nationalism) ???
ParticipantTake a rest 🙂 Stress vs. Burnout Stress Burnout Characterized by overengagement Characterized by disengagement Emotions are overreactive Emotions are blunted Produces urgency and hyperactivity Produces helplessness and hopelessness Loss of energy Loss of motivation, ideals, and hope Leads to anxiety disorders Leads to detachment and depression Primary damage is physical Primary damage is emotional May kill you prematurely May make life seem not worth living
ParticipantGrande y Felic?sima Armada Ol? !
ParticipantThis car is quite special too but can you find why ?!
That is pretty cool, but I have doubts about the idea taking off. ;D
and landing !
ParticipantThis car is quite special too but can you find why ?!
ParticipantThank you, Germany. I am now $5 richer!
You take this, I take a beer ! 😉 (btw Happy Independence day)
ParticipantGolden bees were possibly pagan symbols. The tomb of Childeric, a Merovingian king of the Salian Franks from 457 until his death, and the father of Clovis , was discovered in 1653 in Tournai, a city in modern Belgium. Numerous precious objects were found, including a richly ornamented sword, a torse-like bracelet, jewels of gold and garnet cloisonn?, gold coins, a gold bull's head and a ring with the inscription CHILDERICI REGIS ("of Childeric the king"), which identified the tomb. Some 300 golden bees were also found.Napoleon was impressed with Childeric's bees and when he was looking for a heraldic symbol to trump the Bourbon fleur-de-lys, he settled on Childeric's bees as symbols of the French Empire.
ParticipantSuetonius: De Viris Illustribus, De Vita CaesarumCassius Dio and his Roman History and many more
ParticipantFrom Chile to worldwide, the potato is considered as the world's fourth-largest food crop. It remains an essential crop in Europe (especially eastern and central Europe). First brought by Spanish ships back to Peru, it seems that Basque fishermen from Spain used potatoes as ships stores for their voyages across Atlantic in the 15th century, and introduced the tuber to western Ireland, where they landed to dry their cod, and in England by Francis Drake with his Spanish booty.Spain had an empire across Europe and brought potatoes for their armies. Peasants adopted the crop, which was less often pillaged by marauding armies than above-ground stores of grain.French physician Antoine Parmentier studied the potato intensely and in Examen chymique des pommes de terres (Paris, 1774) showed their enormous nutritional value.During the Little Ice Age, traditional crops did not produce as reliably as before but potatoes still contributed adequately to food supplies during colder years.The expansion of potato in Ireland was due entirely to landless labourers renting tiny plots from landowners, a heavy dependence on a low potato variety led to the disaster known as The Great Famine, and several other factors as well (potato dependency, failure in food supply, Property Act, etc. (see The Ballinglass Incident))
ParticipantFried with mayonnaise, a delight !
ParticipantGreat Classics and … Modernity ! (from Germany, go Scout, go !)