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ParticipantOk then, can anyone tack on the other places that made up the British Empire?
ParticipantAnd what kind of government is that?
ParticipantI guess its possible.
ParticipantI might as well chose anarchy. I can board up my house, reload some more ammo and order everything I need from the internet.
ParticipantI was hoping someone other than this lot would attempt to answer.
ParticipantHaving just finished my 6th master's class and just receiving orders to Germany, most of my time is preparing for the move. Anyone want to rent a house down here near the “redneck riveria” I mean “Emerald Coast”? I plan to look into sites from both world wars while I'm in Germany and possibly do some genealogical trips since I have traced my wife's father's family to Stargard and my mother's father's family to Poland. Anyone know of some places I shouldn't miss while I'm over there?
ParticipantThat looks similar to the device they used in the movie Kindom of Heaven, when the Christians used big hooks and counter weights to pull over siege towers.
ParticipantI wonder if technology could perfect that machine? Could you imagine what you could do with a trebuchet driven by compressed air?
ParticipantAwesome machine. I got to see one in action at Caerphilly Castle in Wales. They were chucking 200kilo stones into the mote. They say there were very accurate compared to many of the other stone throwing weapons. I guess once the projectile gets moving in the plane its only a matter of distance then. I want to build a small one to throw golf balls and tennis balls.
ParticipantThough I put religion, I'm going to explain specific religions, no just religion itself. There are some out there that scam people using religion. Terrorists use religion and scam people to blow themselves up. Other have used religion to scam people out of money or to turn them into cult followers. I don't belive evolution is a scam, and global warming is a part of the ever continual climate change.
ParticipantYep. There is no solid foundation for kids any more. My kid is learning estimating. Rather than actually doing the MATH, by estimating and making a guess you get close to the answer. I think I'll try that on my taxes next year.
ParticipantAmerican Heritage Dictionary: guer?ril?la or gue?ril?la Audio Help (gə-rĭl'ə) Pronunciation Key n. A member of an irregular, usually indigenous military or paramilitary unit operating in small bands in occupied territory to harass and undermine the enemy, as by surprise raids.World Net: guerilla noun a member of an irregular armed force that fights a stronger force by sabotage and harassment The term irregular comes up. There have always been irregulars all the way back to the greeks (Peltasts) to harass the enemy and attempt to loosen tight formations.So are we talking irregular troops, working without a regular force, to sabatage and harass the enemy until defeat?
ParticipantPerhaps k-8 teachers should be focused on having a “Teaching” degree. College level teachers should have a greater ephasis on their area but should be required to attend continual coursework on instruction. I also believe that teachers should have regular evaluation and there should be no tenure. Schools should be able to rid themselves of poor teachers. Now just because students have a low pass rate only partially reflects on the teacher. Teachers will have some focus on how and what they teach if their job is on the line.
ParticipantAs far as the British thing goes, England is just that “England”; Great Britain is England, Scotland and Wales; The United Kingdom is Great Britain (see previous) and Northern Ireland.Could the realm you refer to be "The Middle East" All being part of Europe (Turkey), Asia and Africa?
ParticipantIt is difficult to determine if whole conflicts were fought that way. While there were may battles where guerilla tactics were used, the Battle of Teutoburg forest was more of an ambush than guerilla tactics.