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ParticipantYes, thanks for that. It is an interesting perspective. I have often wondered why in grade school they teach that the civil war was all about freeing the slaves. It wasn't until I got to college that I heard anything about tariffs and the real reasons the south wanted to secede.
ParticipantFrom my limited readings on history I think we are doomed to make the mistakes of the past. Especially politically, I see the same rationalizations and justifications for war repeated over and over again. I was thinking it might be a good idea if all political leaders had to take a brush up history course before taking office!
ParticipantI agree that political correctness is the reason for the change. There are many who want to remove any sign of Christianity from our culture. My daughter is a high school student and all she knows is BCE and CE. Of course, it all reminds me of the attempt to push the metric system on the US. Except for 2 liter sodas, it has pretty much failed.
ParticipantDilbert is even funnier when you do work in an office…because so much of it is true!My favorite comics were Peanuts and Family Circle. I really identified with Linus!
ParticipantFascinating forum! I have heard that one of the advantages the Europeans had was that they fought to kill. In battle, the Mayans did not fight to kill, they fought to capture slaves. But I think the real advantage the Europeans had was Small Pox!