Forum Replies Created
Participantwell, a humurous one goes,we understand,but other than that, how did you enjoy the play,Mrs Lincoln? Also ring aroung the rosies is supposed to be reference to the black death.
ParticipantOn American villians, although I don't think there was evil intent, Rachel Caeson instigated the ban on DDT and the resulting deaths from Malaria now number in the Tens of Millions.
ParticipantNam had a lot of troubled vets return as has every war ever fought. My father was in WW11 and died in a military hospital in eaqrly seventies. Sufice it to say that anyone who has fought for our beloved country are owed our eternal gratitude and respect. What was shocking was the treatment of returning viet nam vets bythe general citizenry, all who participated in dierespect to those brave men should forever hang their head in shame.
ParticipantI cant get very technical on this but the supreme court allows the drug testing(bodily fluids) of transportation workers;i.e., commercial piolots,trainengineers,bus and truck drivers for the SAFETY of the general public. So why not the listning to phone conversations of suspected terroists?
ParticipantWorst has to be Karl Marx,his communist manifesto has caused more deaths than anything I can think of. As far as American villans read book titled 1491,theorizes population of Americas before settlement and numbers killed intebtionally and unintenionally.
ParticipantI cannot remember the book,but I did read that most of the symptoms and morbidity rates and times fit anthrax. Wish I could remeber more.