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ParticipantI imagine his status is what is bringing on this parade of charges. Professional jealousies against someone who made a bright mark that they did not, is not too uncommon in the world of scholarship. If you can't make the grade on your own, you might get some notoriety if you can bring down someone who has. Cheap fame, but fame nevertheless.
ParticipantGood points. Sedentary culture will trump nomadic culture every time since everyone wants to settle down eventually.
ParticipantI bookmarked that page Phid, thanks. Will definitely prove useful.
ParticipantAny example of a successful theocracy ?
Well, so far, Iran.
ParticipantWhat about the Greek Empire of Alexander? Had to be greater than the Ottomans and Umayyads at least.
ParticipantThe Tea Party will be absorbed and assimilated by the GOP. That movement might move the GOP back to the right, but it can't hope to do much else. The Two Party Duoaucracy will live on unabated.
ParticipantAnd it's funny that over the course of these past five years, I still haven't gotten around to doing any of those readings. ;D In my defense, I have completed two masters degrees, so I haven't exactly been sitting on my hands.
Yes you've been busy for sure. I've managed to avoid bankruptcy for what four years now? Try managing almost half a million dollars of debt on $30,000 a year income. Okay it's a more complicated than that, but the stress is not pleasant.
ParticipantWow I didn't realize I started off pimping the Ivory Tower right out of the gate. Cool.
ParticipantHe's still laughing somewhere.
ParticipantI say Obama stands a good chance of getting re-elected if the GOP can't unite behind a conservative candidate. The GOP has a history of shooting itself in the foot.
ParticipantThe trolley problem (or Moral Conundrum)- Case one: A runaway tram is heading towards five people tied to tracks. You are a bystander. Would you flick a switch so it turned down a line where one person was tied to the tracks?- Case two: Same problem, but you are watching from a footbridge. You could push a fat man next to you off the bridge, and his bulk would stop the tram. Would you do it?Interesting dilemma with trainee soldiers studying philosophy at the West Point military academy in New York state.
Or you can choose the Captain Kirk option and change the conditions of the test and thus avoiding the Kobiyashi Maru scenario.
ParticipantTry the 1940 One Million BC with Victure Mature for more laughs.
Victor Mature is cool he's from my hometown of Louisville.
ParticipantHe's laughing all the way to the bank.
ParticipantIn his January 1851 message to the California legislature, California Governor Peter H. Burnett promised "a war of extermination will continue to be waged between the two races until the Indian race becomes extinct." Newspapers cheered on the campaign. In 1853 the Yreka Herald called on the government to provide aid to "enable the citizens of the north to carry on a war of extermination until the last redskin of these tribes has been killed. Extermination is no longer a question of time--the time has arrived, the work has commenced and let the first man who says treaty or peace be regarded as a traitor." Other newspapers voiced similar sentiments. Towns offered bounty hunters cash for every Indian head or scalp they obtained. Rewards ranged from $5 for every severed head in Shasta City in 1855 to 25 cents for a scalp in Honey Lake in 1863. One resident of Shasta City wrote about how he remembers seeing men bringing mules to town, each laden with eight to twelve Indian heads. Other regions passed laws that called for collective punishment for the whole village for crimes committed by Indians, up to the destruction of the entire village and all of its inhabitants. These policies led to the destruction of as many as 150 Native communities. Is this manafest desteny or culture shock?
Just a quote from one very ignorant man. You have to show much more than that. Look I agree the Indians were given the real bend over, but let's be honest here, there was no way in the long run that the two cultures could have co-existed peacefully. One side or the other was going to have to assimilate and because of technology, the Europeans won out. Is that genocide? By your terms perhaps, but by any other standard, it was just the breaks.
ParticipantI think that America should embrace it genocidal history it made America what it is today. It really doesn't matter if anyone feels guilty it just should be taught the way it really happened.
You won't get it in in public schools. Probably not the venue for it anyway. But it is taught at the college level, but genocide isn't the proper term. Culture shock, Manifest Destiny, and smallpox cover it though.