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ParticipantIn my opinion most of the U.S founding fathers are very liberal on their religion beliefs and political views than most of us tend to think today.The second U.S president was a sympathiser of Unitarian church in my knowledge and attend many sermons of this church.Thomas Jefferson was heavily influenced by this doctrine it was true for Ben Franklin also.Unitarianism was a dissenting Christian tradition that denied the concept of the Trinity and the divinity of Christ. Unitarians instead believed that God was one being and that Christ was a human spokesman of God?s truth.
I would argue, but that's not the point. The point is the majority of the Founding Fathers were Christians in some form or fashion.
ParticipantDeism was a reaction to Calvinism and those who adhered to providence and predestination.
Are you kidding ? Calvinisme was a tiny minority church.
No I'm not kidding. Deism was a theological construct by theologians that hated the "limitations" of Calvinism. Calvinism was the second column of the Reformation alongside Lutheranism. It was more significant than you give it credit for...just by a little. LOL
ParticipantDeism was a reaction to Calvinism and those who adhered to providence and predestination.
ParticipantI can't find any of the professors I had. I don't see how anyone can find what they're looking for there. 🙁
ParticipantIt really all comes down to the adult leadership - and the tough part there is to make sure that the Troop is truly "boy led". Our troop has / had several former Marines and several other Dads from other services. We all agreed to the same philosophy and did bona-fide leadership training for the boys - we let them make decisions (hell, MADE them make decisions), let them struggle, and mentor, guide, and encourage them. That's the real challenge - too many adult leaders want to do it all themselves or want to step in and take over when a boy struggles....The result of our method is that the boys grow and learn and become leaders - and thus really want to be part of the troop.
Had I been in your troop back then, I probably would have stayed until I reached Eagle. My life might have gone in a different direction who knows.
ParticipantThe sad thing though was that by the time I reached my early teens, I realized that most of the guys in my troop were not really dedicated to the organization (and the leadership too). I lost interest after that. I still respect the organization, but it's very difficult to keep it together on the local level as recruitment is practically nonexistent.
ParticipantI loved the pinewood derby cars. Had lots of fun designing mine. Went to Scoutorama Jamboree at Washington D.C. when I was a kid, that was really cool.
ParticipantI made Eagle Scout.
That's rare and a very high honor. Congratulations!
ParticipantI made the rank of Tenderfoot. 🙂
ParticipantThe good news is, because you are with 1and1, I am completely familiar with how you setup your databases through their admin panel. If you need me to do anything for you, all you have to do is grant me access to your ftp account and I can install any type of software for you and configure it to your desire. 🙂
ParticipantIf you are not using WordPress you are missing out. I actually use that for many websites I deal with now, because it can be configured to work, look and act just like a regular website and all the coding is already done for you (short of minor tweaks). Plus WordPress places VERY high on the SEO radar which is a very good thing if you want people to viit your site.As for 1&1 the problem I have with them and GoDaddy is placing a limit on pages as opposed to just limiting your bandwidth and disk quota and letting you go from there. If they say I get 8 pages, unless I am cramming that full of useless images and stuff, it would barely make a dent in the alotted disk quota I have.
I have the Developer's Package and trust me, I'll never use it all and it's not that expensive. My only gripe is I can't host a video sharing site because they won't configure PHP to play flash video format. I did briefly use Glowhost for that purpose, but I let that domain go. Glowhost is a very good web host though and I recommend them.
ParticipantIf you're going to just do a blog, install WordPress. You can't find anything better unless you pay for it. If you want a message board, this software is probably the best free discussion board there is other than Phpbb3. If you want to do a wiki, Mediawiki is the best software for that purpose. Trust me, I've dabbled in just about every open source software imaginable and I keep going back to those I just listed.
ParticipantI will probably switch to a local company for hosting when I get closer to actually launching the site for real. I guess I am mostly using it right now to play with. I also wanted to lock up the domain names while they are available. From what little I have seen today, their web hosting is not the best and is pretty inflexible. The only good thing I can say is the UI is pretty good for novices like me.I will no doubt be hitting up plenty of folks when I really stat getting my feet wet. I mostly shoot people and blow stuff up in my day job so web design is not my string suit. I have decided that if I start a business I have to have a web presence or it will probably fail right out the door.
I hope you chose the Linux package over the Windows one. 🙁
ParticipantI am a web developer and SharePoint Administrator in my day job... if you have questions, feel free to ask. The only problem with 1&1 is it limits you when you are ready to expand, and quite honestly, they are expensive compared to others. If you do a bit of research you can find other host providers considerably cheaper with a LOT more features. I ahve been using a company called QualityHostOnline for almost 6 years now and get service and have had little to no down time. I also have a LOT more features than places like 1&1, GoDaddy, etc provide, so I am not restricted. Reliability, features, and expandability are what you need to look for in your cost analysis.Domain name registration is fine through either of those companies (I use GoDaddy) but hosting is not so good.
The only limitation I see with 1and1 services is that they do not have PHP setup for video sharing. They also frown at using chat programs on shared servers (which is understandable). My up time is very good, but they don't update PHP that often (which can be good if you're lazy, but if you like to keep your software current it's not).
ParticipantI am getting ready to start putting together a web presence for the business I will start after I retire form the military next year. My big question I guess mostly goes to Donnie and Phid because you both abviously have webpages. One thing I want to avoid is getting scammed or overcharged for web-hosting. I am not too concerned about site design since a friend of ours who does it for a living is willing to do the work on the side for me. This is what the site he manages for aliving looks like. am more wondering if it makes more sense to find a local hosting company or to host through someone like GoDaddy or 1&1. I am pretty sure the cheapest way to register the domain name is through one of the big registrars rather than a l9ocal company who has to go through them anyway.I am not setting this up for a few months at least but just want to know if you guys have any insights on what mistakes I can avoid.
I won't lie to you, maintaining a website is difficult at first. You have to understand html markup code, ftp server access, mysql commands (well a few anyway). If you don't want to learn all that right away, find a web host with pre-installed software that requires little to no knowledge to run. Still you will have to understand how to use the admin back end to publish your content and upload your files. Since you are in Germany, is located there and I recommend them (and that's who I use).