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ParticipantDid they use ground penetrating radar? ::)
Oh you're bad....:)
ParticipantI would change mine, but Marcus Aurelius is too cool. He is the greatest Philosopher King of history.
ParticipantIf you ask me (and you didn't), I think people should be allowed to buy fully automatic weapons, rpg's, cannons, whatever they want so long as they complete the proper paperwork on them and keep their weapons secured. I even think convicted felons, who have paid their sentence for their crimes, should be allowed to buy firearms again. If more people were heavily armed, life would be better because criminals would think twice about attacking folks in fear of them packing heat. Also, the government would be more fearful of the people and opt not to push them too far. 🙂
ParticipantBy the way, Picasso never impressed me as an artist. I'm not saying he wasn't talented, but abstract art just goes over my head I guess.
ParticipantOkay I guess I will formerly jump in here (though I tried not to). ;DWe got involved in Korea because Truman and his cabinet were berated for " losing China." Truman didn't want Korea added to his baggage so he moved to prove a point that he was capable of checking the spread of communism. The communists may have felt emboldened because of the American inability to save Chiang Kai Shek's Nationals. They probably also calculated that Americans were still war weary from World War II and too busy reconstructing Japan and the Philippines to bother with Korea. Much of this, however, is conjecture and compartmentalizing things so historians can neatly package this era of history. Take it for what it's worth.
ParticipantThis argument is very similar to why Saddam invaded Kuwait thinking we didn't care. I suppose it's possible that the North Koreans miscalculated by thinking we wouldn't get involved, but I also suspect it's more complicated than this.
ParticipantYour hint was too “hinty” LOL.
ParticipantGuernica? (Or however you spell it).
ParticipantSo do you think our foreign policy/military doctrine (or in this case a lack of or ambiguity) provoked the Korean War? Or did the North Korean army pouring into South Korea have anything to do with it? I vote the latter.
ParticipantRichmond, Va?
Participantcoda: I know nothing of Glenn Beck and have never heard him speak--I do know his face. This is a non political post.
Not sure how that could have been MORE political... at any rate... I disagree, but again, since this is a history site and not a political site I will leave my comments to myself.Funny.. I have tried my entire life to keep my political views as much as possible away from my historical views, but everywhere I go to look for educational and enlightening discussion on historical subjects I seem to find the same old thing... It sort of angers me and quite honestly, usually ends up with me not returning...Hoping that is not the case here... so far I have enjoyed it...
This is NOT a political board by any means. This is an academic board where serious discussion on serious historical topics is made. So Notch don't worry, Phid and I keep an eye on trolling posts. 🙂
ParticipantThanks 🙂 I have a unique perspective in that I tend to acknowledge the "evils" of both sides and not take a winners or losers stand even thought my ancestors were all Union men. And while I admire all aspects of study of the Civil War, I find my "enjoyment" studying the events that get little attention in Missouri, kansas and Arkansas (hence the topic of my blog). It's interesting to find little gems of history that haven't been written and discussed over a thousand times (can you say Gettysburg). I also think getting into the the real meat of the war means getting into the events leading up to the war. My personal belief is that the war started on the Kansas/Missouri border, not South Carolina.Again, thanks... for looking at my blog... I need to keep up with it a little better... 😀
I wrote a paper on Kirby Smith and the Trans-Mississippi Department for a Historiography class at Louisville. In my research I found that the war West of the Mississippi is lacking scholarly attention. I guess it has been lost in the shuffle due to the perception of it being a side show.
ParticipantIt has to be a very good movie before I even bother to go. I didn't even go see Avatar (probably the only one who didn't). 🙂
ParticipantI guess I'm going to have to promote Notch's blog now cool. 🙂
ParticipantI really liked the torn paper effect graphics. I'm practicing how to do it in Photoshop. Those graphics are very professional and extremely difficult to make. I am more than impressed….I'm envious.