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ParticipantObama's credentials--Harvard, smart as a whip and now for something completely different!
ParticipantAcorn means nothing to me--no rodents here.
Most vermin scatter when the lights come on.
ParticipantI'm sorry guys, but I remain unconvinced that Hitler didn't have Auschwitz in his head even as early as when he was writing Mein Kampf. I apparently can't prove it, and I know it's not scholarly, but my intuition tells me he fantasized about exterminating the Jews long before he even had the power and means to attemYour intuition tells you that the sun revolves around the earth.
Perhaps it did on Joshua's long day.
ParticipantOkay I found something, but I don't know how credible it is:'ve seen this quote on other sites as well. It's anecdotal evidence, but it is a published statement by a so-called "expert" familiar with Hitler. Take it for what it's worth.Here is another link:
ParticipantI split this off from Hitler and the Jews because comparing Powell and Obama is really a whole other subject.
ParticipantThat may be the case. Powell was trained to make decisions--that is what Generals do!Obama, despite his credentials, had to learn to beg, plead and cajole looking for a consensus. Thegiving of orders is something one learns to do and you do not get an ORDER badge at Inauguration.Perhaps he will be more assertive in his second term.We Liberals admire assertive women--not all of course.
And what were his credentials again?
ParticipantWell then--as they elected Obama overwhelmingly, your 'trust" must be glowing with a hard gem like flame.
I trust them, it's A.C.O.R.N. that I don't trust.
ParticipantDisagree:Powell was a survivor of the military bureaucracy and as clever as an outhouse rat (that is a compliment). I think a Powell presidency would have been just as pragmatic, but less ideological.Powell would have inspired confidence, not zeal and I have no idea what that would mean. Ourpresent president seems as though he requires doses of stiffening from time to time--case in point--nopush from Nancy--no health bill passed. This is just an opinion or perhaps a demi-conclusion.
If that's the case, then thank God Obama won instead of Powell. Who knows what Powell would have accomplished if he were pushing Nancy instead of the other way around.
ParticipantJust what people do you trust--some, all?The majority that elected Obama? The fifty percent that believe in a geocentric universe?
I trust them more than I trust myself.
ParticipantI wouldn't underestimate the sex lives of senior citizens. Here in Florida in a retirement town called the Villages, STDs are running rampant. Also, Franklin was a scientist - maybe he mixed his own viagraesque cocktails.
Franklin was a notorious philanderer. That's why he spent so much time in Europe where taking mistresses was somewhat more accepted. On the flip side, Franklin used to love to sit and listen to George Whitefield preach. So he had his faults and his virtues.
ParticipantMy point being that skin color and the other things that folks are so cranked up about are accidents of birth... we need to get over it. I didn't vote for Obama because his ideas and potential nominees scared me; not because of the color of his skin. I'd have voted for Powell in a heartbeat.I'm not sure Tarantino or Hopper are what I'd call reliable social critics... but the quote has merit since we are all related, ultimately.
Uh Powell endorsed Obama. Powell would have been Obama Lite.
ParticipantIt's an excuse to put democracy on hold, and it's the vehicle that will lead to world government.
This is off topic, but anyway - do you see the recent raid of militia in Michigan to be indicative of this as well? I can see why they were raided if they were threatening imminent terrorist activities, but at the same time I could see this kind of thing as a harbinger that justifies future raids on such outfits.
Kind of makes you think of Ruby Ridge and Waco doesn't it? I wonder why this kind of stuff only goes on when there are Democrats in the White House or am I seeing a trend that does not really exist?
No the Democrats aren't doing anything different. With the UnPatriot Act drafted by Republicans, they now have more reasons to go after people (but in this case it was warranted as this militia group was planning on making some attack in April).
ParticipantThey are calling this a 100 year flood.
ParticipantI trust the people over bureaucrats every day of the week and twice on Sundays.
ParticipantIt's an excuse to put democracy on hold, and it's the vehicle that will lead to world government.
This is off topic, but anyway - do you see the recent raid of militia in Michigan to be indicative of this as well? I can see why they were raided if they were threatening imminent terrorist activities, but at the same time I could see this kind of thing as a harbinger that justifies future raids on such outfits.
From what other militia leaders were saying about it, they didn't have a problem with this particular raid because the ones involved were planning on doing some illegal things. I don't really have an opinion on this other than if people are planning stupid things, they are asking the government to conduct pre-emptive raids such as this one. So my point is, why give the government (who is itching to suppress dissent), a reason to go off on folks? It's just not smart.