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ParticipantI'm sorry guys, but I remain unconvinced that Hitler didn't have Auschwitz in his head even as early as when he was writing Mein Kampf. I apparently can't prove it, and I know it's not scholarly, but my intuition tells me he fantasized about exterminating the Jews long before he even had the power and means to attempt it.
ParticipantOh you are a card! Privatize the police? Doorway to disaster and return of the Pinkertons. Do not say this too loudly as you will frighten the children
Pick your poison, corrupt government, corrupt companies...who cares where the corruption comes from right?
ParticipantI think it is possible to keep America safe without sacrificing our liberties. That we seem to not be doing that is the fault of policy makers and sheep that accept that liberty and security are incompatible.
The terrorists are in Washington, D.C.; not Afghanistan.
ParticipantPrivatize everything and be done with it.
ParticipantIt's an excuse to put democracy on hold, and it's the vehicle that will lead to world government.
ParticipantMan that must suck. You're going to have mold problems after the water recedes I bet.
ParticipantI would rather take my chances here at home thank you very much. I would rather die in a terrorist attack with full civil liberties than to be “safe” while giving up my civil liberties in the process. Yes, bring the troops home, bring on the boogie man, lock and load.
ParticipantOkay, so what are we trying to say about Hitler? That he might not have actually initiated the holocaust, but just signed off on it after the fact?
ParticipantOh my goodness no. I merely posted a thesis about Hitler. It seems to be born out by my reading of the published evidence. That he was a creature of evil incarnate is without question. That the Holocaust did in fact happen is an historical fact. But, his mindset at the beginning is not so easily plumbed and I set forth a thesis that I invite you to attack and destroy with historical evidence. For example: If he had said in his book:"While fighting against the British in France, I came to the realization that this war, like many others, is aresult of a Jewish plot. If I survive I swear to devote my life to eradicating these parasites from the face of the earth by shooting, hanging, burning, gassing, crucifixtion and any other means I can think of--so help me God."Now that would make my little thesis seem silly.I think my initial comments about Stalin were nicely supported by subsequent posts.
The problem with any historical figure is we cannot get inside their heads. Any thesis that is presented trying to do so is doomed to failure. Your thesis, on the other hand, is safe because we cannot dig Hitler up from hell or wherever his evil soul went to, and plug a probe to his head to record his thoughts. On a matter such as this, he would not have telegraphed his intentions before his rise to power, and even in power, he would not have wanted a paper trail of evidence in case he was ever held accountable for it. So how can we dispute your thesis without the inclusion of circumstantial evidence based on hearsay, second hand accounts, and implied logic? I mean that's all that is available to us, and Mein Kampf certainly gives us the implied intention to rid the world of Jewry before it can fulfill its hideous goal of taking over the world. Other than this, I don't know what to say.
ParticipantAre we rehabilitating Hitler like we were Stalin now?
ParticipantWell at a quick Google, I found this.Based on what this guy says, the order was directly from Hitler, and it was verbal (hence no paper trail).
ParticipantWhy do we even need a source? The man publicly stated over and over again that he hated Jews and that they were conspiring to take over the world and had to be stopped ad nauseum. Would he telegraph his plans to his victims? How would that work out? “Hey, Jews! When I come to power, I'm going to build Auschwitz and Treblinka to gas you to oblivion! Muhahahahaha!!!!” I'm sure he would have been taken seriously at that point.
ParticipantI read this twice and still come up with zero concerning Hitler's supposed desire to eliminate the Jews from the face of the earth. I shall look again, but it would be much easier if you could give me some guidance--please--citation!? I should point out that my memory is deteriorating rapidly so you might well be correct.
You have only read the abridged version as the whole work is forbidden to be sold.
Participantmust say hello to everyone, been browsing your site for sometime, i am interested in early american history , and find this site very interesting , also carried out work on sam colt and his involvement in industrial mechanisation , i am based in the uk, as i have said before a good site all for now rwm
Welcome aboard RW! Thanks for joining!
ParticipantI thought Mein Kampf was all we needed.