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ParticipantI can understand students needing to be kept awake with a presentational style that is not boring. Visual aides are okay to a certain extent, but over reliance upon them is the sign of an instructor who is either lazy or ill prepared. The best lecturers are those who are naturally charismatic and eloquent, but also very knowledgeable in their field. Knowing your stuff makes extemporaneous lectures much more possible and even fluid. It also allows for more interaction with the students since one doesn't have to remain on a rigid script to get through the day.
ParticipantI really don't think he should have had the rifle there in the first place. He could have made a home video and demonstrated it from his garage or something. He set himself up for this mishap.
ParticipantThe guy will probably be fired over this.
ParticipantYou may have heard this over the last few years about the prehistoric "hobbit" people who lived in or around Indonesia. Now there's an article in National Geographic about how they may have had a "million year-year history". Any thoughts on this? The theory goes that they lived as recently as 18,000 years ago at the same time as humans. If this is the case, why would the hobbit-people have ceased to exist so suddenly given their super-long history?
Great, another fable to add to Anthropology's growing mythology.
ParticipantIt devolves into this:
Inspired by popular video games like World of Warcraft, an Indiana University professor is applying game design principles such as clear, well-defined goals and gradual, incremental rewards to his college classes. A hit with students, the approach has some employers showing interest, too.
Ugh! Is this what we've come to?
ParticipantWelcome aboard Kevin! I welcomed you at Writers of History too. 🙂
ParticipantReally? Does no one (read: Donnie) not know this? I was reading or heard the account of Joseph confronting his brothers in Egypt after the famine - those who come to him after famine devastates the land. The thought crossed my mind that Joseph's position within the pharaoh's administration was quite high and that there may be textual evidence that corroborates the Biblical account. I realize that Egyptian record keeping might not have been on par with that of some other ancient civilizations, but I continue to wonder if there were are such extant sources.
I believe there was a non-Biblical source that mentions Joseph (it might have been Egyptian records or something). The reason I haven't answered yes, is because I have to go and track down that source I read. This isn't something I would track down on the internet per se because I don't trust many sites on information like this because it is a hot button topic used to debunk the Biblical account of the Jews as slaves in Egypt (a point that actually is debated).
ParticipantI have no idea then. Maybe because I upgraded to 2.0 RC? It also might depend on which version of PHP your server is running on. Don't know.
ParticipantIt probably was a server side issue with the host company. They might have been optimizing their various servers or doing maintenance or were under a bandwidth load somewhere else and WCF suffered from the burden. I doubt that the Twitter mod was doing it because neither of my sites have been affected so far.
March 16, 2010 at 9:16 pm in reply to: UK woman fined for not reporting 14th century artifact #19596DonaldBaker
ParticipantWhat ever happened to “finders keepers?”
ParticipantThe Constitution (Art. I, Sec. 2) reads, in part:"The actual Enumeration shall be made within three years after the first meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent term of ten years, in such manner as they shall by law direct."I just got my census form today. Ten questions, I think only one of which actually has to do with the number of people living at my address. Walter E. Williams writes, "The Census Bureau also asks questions about race, and I want to know what does my race have to do with apportioning the U.S. House of Representatives?" I think he has a point. So why is all the extra information requested?
The Census Bureau likes to collect vital statistics to compile them to show demographic trends. As long as the information is for this purpose I have no qualms with it, but when it gets more personal than this, I don't like it.
ParticipantAgree? Said it well?Does this mean I am to be cashiered?WillyD.
Let's not get carried away now.
ParticipantHadrian was one of the Four Good Emperors. Along with Nerva, Trajan, and Antoninus Pius. Probably the best Emperors Rome had besides Augustus himself. Marcus Aurelius is sometimes included in this list to make five.
I was going to say, don't forget Marcus Aurelius.
March 16, 2010 at 10:50 am in reply to: Could Rome have done better against the Germanic barbarians? #19486DonaldBaker
ParticipantOne of the problems with pinpointing the reasons for Rome's decline is the lack of good statistical evidence. Mostly what we have is speculation and a few first hand reports that have survived from Antiquity
The thing is though, Rome was the best empire at taking records and recording census data in the ancient world. We do know a lot about them, but even with this, we still don't know enough.
ParticipantFreedom of will.A crucial point for Erasmus. In his De libero arbitrio diatribe sive collatio (1524), he lampoons the Lutheran view on free will. He lays down both sides of the argument impartially. In response, Luther wrote his De servo arbitrio (On the Bondage of the Will) (1525), which attacks the "Diatribe" and Erasmus himself, going so far as to claim that Erasmus was not a Christian. Erasmus responded with a lengthy, two-part Hyperaspistes (1526?27). In this controversy Erasmus lets it be seen that he would like to claim more for free will than St. Paul and St. Augustine seem to allow. For Erasmus the essential point is that humans have the freedom of choice.As the popular response to Luther gathered momentum, the social disorders, which Erasmus dreaded and Luther disassociated himself from, began to appear, including the Peasants' War, the Anabaptist disturbances in Germany and in the Low Countries, iconoclasm and the radicalization of peasants across Europe. Would Erasmus be responsible for having started the war between the Roman Catholic Church and the Protestants ?How tolerant was the doctrine of Luther based on his position on Predestination against Freedom of Will ?Theologians usually do not start wars. Princes, always on the lookout for an advantage or opportunity,see in their teachings a means of furthering their own interests--usually, but not always, secular. Ifyou study the history of the 30 Years War and conclude it was a religious conflict, you should ask for your tuition money back or at least read the tests this time. Theologians speak out in town squares or places of worship--leaders order ranks to be formed on battlefields and sent off to war.
Guess what? I totally agree.