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ParticipantI have been researching in detail the empire of Louis the Pious for my next historical novel. I agree that the 843 Treaty of Verdun is the most likely beginning for France. Karl der Grosse resided at Aachen. Also, the national language for France was still gestating during the early to mid-800s.
ParticipantAnyone who could write the delicious 1601 need not have worried. Much ado about zilch?
ParticipantQuestia posts complete books — thousands of them. So does full books (free) for older literature.
ParticipantOr you can join questia if they have them and sign up for $20/month or less for a quarter, or much less/month for a year.
ParticipantYes, that is it. Yours must be a reprint or a variation of the theme.
ParticipantAn interesting book was published decades ago titled “Machiavelli and Management” — instead of ducal lords, one serve multi-national corporations.
ParticipantIn my lifetime by sequence from the day I was born 24 June 1932:1. 1st election of FDR2. Pearl Harbor3. VE & VJ Day4. Korean War5. Cuban Missile Crisis6. JFK assassination7. 1964 Civil Rights Act8. The Beatles arrive in the USA.9. Vietnam War. 10. Attack on Twin Towers
ParticipantAn arrow.I have a variation of this from the 9th century.Riddle: I saw a woman flying, with an iron beak and a wooden body and a feathered tail, carrying death. Answer: That's a woman beloved of the soldiers.
Participant"Spice, Gold, God"
Two out of three ain't bad. :-
Spice and gold ... of course
Wiesenthal suggested a 4th possibility. A search for new lands where those of Jewish "blood" could flee to safety. As it turned out, many Judaizers and conversos did come to the Americas, and of course the Inquisition followed.In the meantime, I continue to be amused by the Italian and Spanish rivalry over the claim that CC was one of their own. I grew up in San Francisco when the City was about 30% Italian, many immigrant or 1st generation, and Columbus Day was a big deal with parades and such -and Angelo Rossi was Mayor.
Participant"Spice, Gold, God"
Two out of three ain't bad. :-
ParticipantWhat about religious motivation? Columbus was a devout, some say militant, Catholic. He wanted to find new people to convert to Christianity so that they can recruit more people to defeat the Muslims. In this time period, the Ottoman Empire was extremely powerful. They just (1453) closed a major trade route to the east when taking Constantinople. Also, didn't the Spaniards expel the Mulsims from Iberia at this time as well? This HAD to be a motivating factor for westward exploration/expansion/colonialism/imperialism. So while the eastern Mediterranean was now closed to European trade, the western Mediterranean opened, which also created access for Italian merchants and mariners.
Ostentatious piety during this time could be a cover for tainted blood or crypto-Judaism.Why did Columbus sail without any cleric on board? No one to conduct religious services.He sailed the same day of the deadline for Jews to leave Spain, convert, or die.He had several men in his crew of new-Christian/converso origins.I recommend Wiesenthal's Sails of Hope, which delves deply into Columbus' associates, sponsors, and motivations.
ParticipantHe especially made himself one with the tens of thousands of youth who had lost fathers when he used the phrase, Flesh of my flesh, blood of my blood …”Of interest regarding the Pius XII thread, he was never excommunicated.
ParticipantBased on my reading and listening to survivors and former German soldiers, I am convinced Hitler gave both coherent and incoherent voice to traditional “murderous” European antisemitism, most especially in the Slavic lands where tribalism trumped and still does trump all other -isms. Remember former Yugoslavia?Murderous types also appeared in Western Europe as well in the collaborative governments.An anecdote. About fifteen years ago, I met a couple. The husband grew up in a Slovak immigrant family. When he brought home the English-German-Dutch American Protestant girl he wanted to marry, his mother called her a Jew no matter how much he protested she was not. He said his mother told him, "If she is not Slovak, she is a Jew."
ParticipantThree consecutive perfect landings. Seems all is well. ;D
ParticipantAgreed. We would not be living in Florida without it.Also, while we lived in Playa del Rey 1971-1989, a beach community between Marina del Rey and El Segundo, we did not need air conditioning in our home, but we did in our cars because we drove into sections of L.A. and the Valley and beyond where temps could go into the 90-100s and the smog was unbreathable.