Forum Replies Created
ParticipantCoed is bad for another reason. Can't fart or belch at will. ;D
ParticipantThat they are coed. Some guys hang out with the girls at the weights for chatting and resent interruptions. In Santa Monica where PERFECT was filmed, the ladies put on makeup an the men shaved and doused with cologne before going to the workout room. 1976-84 I belonged to a males only gym and it was superior to all I've been in since. Lakers, ex-Rams, and visiting teams used the facilities as well.2nd peeve -- apparatus hogs who do a set and sit in a daze for long minutes listening through earphones.before doing the next set.
ParticipantI have found Cruise to be unwatchable. Will he ever learn to breathe through his nose? ;D
ParticipantThere is a site mostly for writers called Absolute Write. Their “water cooler” breaks writing into dozens of categories, and it has a political thread section. When a left wing admiited lesbian took over the site, things changed. Conservatives were routinely kicked off the site or piled on. Things soon became dull when the conservatives stopped posting or were driven out. Also it began to acquire more virulently anti-American Americans and Brits. It became a waste of time for me to post and educate there because all minds are closed.Other thanone idiot who no longers posts here, I have had a positive expriene on his site. Keep it open.
ParticipantRegardless, if open I will contribute and comment as before.
ParticipantHave you created a group on facebook?
ParticipantP.C. The bureaucratic cowards have terrorized themselves.
ParticipantEuropean History majors and those who teach 19th century History.I forget who said this regarding Schleswig-Holstein and hope I got it right: Only three people understood the origins of the conflict. One forgot what it was. One went mad. And one is dead.
ParticipantWhat % of Muslims are Jihadist and their supporters?Only 10% = 150,000,0001% = 15,000,0001/10th % = 1,500,000All enough to cause plenty of damage world wide.And because Islam = submission to the will of Allah, we have plenty of nasty Imams preaching Allah's will is hatred of all infidels. Not a pretty future ahead in our USA of PC and fear of profiling.
ParticipantNot while the dems refer to the atrocity as an event or tragedy instead of a terror attack. Weasal words for weasels.
ParticipantClassic Hamas/Hezballah/Jihadist bombs with ballbearings.
ParticipantSo many people dancing shamelessly on her grave. The left has raised its level of hatefullness.
ParticipantLike the 1930s and early 1940s when they excused the deliberate starvation of the Ukrainians, purge trials, attack on Finland, gulags, and annexation of the Baltic states, the same mentality chooses to ignore the brutal takeover of Eastern Europe after WWII, continuation of the Gulags, and the attempt to subvert governments everywhere through communist parties that took orders from Moscow.In 1945-46, leading politicians demanded the military broing the boys back home. The draft ended until 1947 when it was reinstalled for a year as Universal Military Training. Then again no draft from 1948-50 until the Korean War began.
ParticipantToo many cars and factories in Antarctica ? ???
ParticipantGarfield was exceptional. What a difference he might have made. So much for the lefty theory that individuals do not matter regarding the course of History. Assassinations, election outcomes, military stupidity, and untimely deaths do alter the course of History.A few examples:If TR and not WW had won the election of 1912 would the Kaiser have dared sink our ships? Could TR have in 1914 mediated a peace?If Prince Arthur had lived and become King of England instead of Henry VIII.If Carloman had lived instead of Louis the Pious becoming sole heir to Charlemagne's empire.All speculation of course.