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ParticipantWell y'all know I am southern and y'all know my pride for my southern heritage so yes I am for the preservation. Now I have also started to look at it from all sides we. We all should be proud of the Civil War. I am proud of my ancestors who fought and died for what they believed in. An African American should be proud of the fact that before the war they were enslaved but after the war they were equal to their former masters. Northerners should be proud because they fought and preserved the union and freed the slaves. Women should be proud of the war because the war led to the rebirth of the womans liberation movement. Finally ALL AMERICANS should be proud because after this war became whole again and we became stronger.
ParticipantInteresting Choices. I like Barbour but am not convinced that Jindal is the real deal. Jindal's claim to fame seems to be he is doing everything the Democrats in Louisiana don't want him to do. I would love to see somebody truly original come along. Preferably it would be somebody that is beholden to nobody, has original ideas, and has the money to finance a run without having to accept special interest money.The biggest problem is the system itself almost seems as if it is designed to ensure that anyone elected to high office is corrupted by the very process of getting there.
well guvnor barbour's rainy day fund has helped my state out i mean its tapped dry but concidering it helped us out during katrina and this economic trouble he is a great leader he is or was one of the few to be reelected in my states history
Participanti hope its Bobby Gendal and Haley Barbour!!
Participantwait i dont see how this is a prank it is just a stupid person…first of all cigarettes are not period and he should not have them on him around spectators and if was not around spectators he should not have had on his cartridge box on and he should dang sure know not to put a cigarette in a cartridge box this dude was just and idiot!!
ParticipantNotch… I don't know that much about Quantrel he is trans mississsippi i only focus on the army of the Tennesse and Jackson's corps of the ANV…if those authors and Cole Younger say that he did not then he probably did not but even if it is still legend then it is a good legend. If the legend is true that means he had enough faith in his leadership and in his men that they could win no matter what the odds. And if it is legend then lets let it remain legend. H.H. Yeah i heard the same thing about Jackson… Jackson (once his fire was lit) could not be stopped. Had he had the support he needed after first manassas the war would have been over in six months and i am for sure not a yankee in the army of the potomac would have made it out of washington
Participantmy favorite is the third national because of its symbolism but i also like Quantrel's partisan rangers flag just because its the black flag and it symbolizes no quarter
Participantholy mess daniel and i agree!!! Vicksburg was the key and the two blows killed us.
ParticipantSherman for sure would get the nod for the North, with Benjamin Butler a VERY close second.The South is a bit harder to pinpoint... Forrest maybe... possibly even Jefferson Davis...
Butler was vilified more for his administrative tyranny than his military acumen. In fact Butler was very incompetent on the battlefield, but he was very shrewd in political maneuvering. The North feared Lee, Jackson, Longstreet, and Forrest but Forrest is probably the only one truly hated by the North. Grant, Sherman, Sheridan, and maybe even Thomas were feared because they not only were competent warriors, they showed no fear. Sherman gets the nod for most hated with Sheridan a close second. I'm tempted to include Hancock and the Iron Brigade in this too. Okay I just did LOL.
Ok One was a drunk, the next one sufferd from depresion (might i add both were kicked out of the army) and heck the last one was a glory hound... the reason why we southerners feared Grant and Sherman...are you ready for it... THEY WERE TOO LOOSE WITH THEIR MEN!!! AND THEIR MEN CARRIED TORCHES AND RIFFLES NOT A GOOD COMBINATION!! WOULD'NT YOU BE SCARED IF SOMEONE CAME INTO YOUR HOME TOOK ALL YOUR FOOD AND ALL YOUR SILVER YEAH NOT THAT GOOD PALL
Participantok i still think we are categorizing all of the men who fought for the glory and honor of the south as slave holders. I can give you 3 examples: Gen. Robert Edward Lee, Gen. Thomas Johnathan Jackson, Captain Nathan W. Slay (my great great great great grandfather). Now I believe Mr. Grizzard put it best when he said ” I am an American by birth, BUT SOUTHERN BY THE GRACE OF GOD!” I have and always will defend the southern soldiers' good name and their symbols because they fought for what they thought was right as did those invading Yankees. Now Daniel, have you ever had a something a friend or loved one say or do something that creates bad blood in between you and finally you just go to blows? If not sir you are a luckier man than I! I think the writer's in the movie Gettysburg[/i put it best when they had Pickett talk about the cause. I think that my idea, my, uh... my analogy of a gentlemen's club is-is fair enough. It's clear enough. Colonel, think on it, now. Now you suppose that we all join a club, a gentlemen's club. And then, well, after a time, several of the members began to, uh... began to *intrude* themselves into our private lives, our home lives. Began tellin' us what we could do, what we couldn't do. Well, then, wouldn't any one of us have the right to resign? I mean, just...resign. Well, that's what we did. That's what *I* did, and now these people are tellin' us that we don't have that right to resign. Thats what it boiled down to.You brought up the fact that Lincoln was going to allow slavery...well he did...until 1862/3. It sounded like in your last post that you were trying to make Lincoln look like some great hero when in fact he was a hypocrite! He called Secession unconstitutional when in fact HE suspended the rights to habious corpus, arrested the Maryland State Assembly. In 1864 many people in his party decided to arrest some of ...influential (political machines) citizens for ONE DAY. In Chicago they were held in Camp Douglas!Oh and on a new not Stop complaining about Andersonville! There were bread riots in RICHMOND...THE CAPITOL! WE DID NOT HAVE ENOUGH FOOD FOR OUR CIVILIANS HOW DO YOU THINK WE COULD FEED POWS? BUT the north had an abundance of food. Heck Chicago was a rail head and yet the soldiers their were forced to eat rats and the guards at Camp Douglas were a lot worse than those at Andersonville! (sorry to rant about that i just got ticked off)
ParticipantThe South had its cotton, and the cotton crops needed slave labor to continue. Rather than give up the labor, the South decided to wage war. I'm wondering - could the South have given up slavery to avoid war? For example, could the South have emancipated the slaves voluntarily and kept them on as wage earners? Although they would have taken a financial hit, it would not have been so bad as what ultimately happened.Naturally, we have to set aside the issue of states' rights to consider this question.
America is a family correct? Any Objections? O.k. all families have their dysfunctional moments ours was the Civil War. From the first strike of the gavel sounding the beginning of the Second Continental Congress to vote on the Deceleration of Independence to the First shots of bleeding Kansas America was destand to fight we had to get rid of bad blood be tween the family and because we did we became stronger. However Reconstruction was that time period after a fight before the the make up that did not happen untill like wwi and the great depression
Participantquote author=Phidippides link=topic=2285.msg18483#msg18483 date=1273613375]Follow up - so if the South just wanted to survive, and take a defensive stand, did its military strategy reflect this? Or, to put it another way, were the moves made by the South in keeping with the idea of "holding on" or did it stray from its main objective?Are you alluding to Gettysburg with this question? You see we invaded the "North" to get France to intervene but that bit us in the butt because Lincoln did his emancipation proclamation which kept Europe over in well Europe. But the second time it was to get them into the Yankees into the open and pressure the north. But to answer the first question i have MANY answers. Being the hotheaded Aristocratic Southerner i am i first say it was honor. We felt as if the north were trying to break into our (private) lives and destroy our way of lives. Second to preserve our economy we saw our way of life dieing out so we decided to get out. And last but not least... y'all started it. We said we quit and get out but Lincoln would not so we pulled out our gun and pointed it at him and yelled GET OUT...again that thick headed rail splitter would not leave so finally we said to H__l with you and shot and he acted surprised.
ParticipantHey i want one of these on my website can you tell me how to do that?
ParticipantGrant's accomplishments are greater than those of Regan. It's far more likely that communism would have imploded without Regan than the North would have won the Civil War--preserving the Union--without Grant.Grant doesn't merit having his portrait on the $50.00 bill for the the accomplishments of his presidency, but he does for his role as a general in the Civil War. One need not have been president to merit having his portrait on US currency, as witness Franklin and Hamilton.
No i am sure its because he was a wimp I mean the man left Jackson under night, then he let the most valuable states capitol burn, then he came back to Jackson, was informed about Grant at Vicksburg and he something to the effect of I fear i have arrived to late. TOTAL TOOL and the only reason he had the job he had was because of the person he knew...same about Bragg...I like Sherman and Grant a lot better than Johnston and Bragg...Granted Grant and Sherman used total war but Johnston could have nipped that in the bud at Vicksburg.yeah and HAD Joseph E Johnston NOT been a wimp and had came from Jackson, MS, and trapped him between Pembertion and himself the war might have swong in a differnet way ahd if he lived he would have been a HUGE discrase so he does not realy need it. And the last time i check Nancy regan did not own slaves while Mrs. Grant did, and Ron did not let Willam T. Sherman RAPE AND PILLAGE the south, OH and Ron was NOT a racist
Johnston could not help Pemberton. Why you ask? Because Pemberton would have gotten in his way. 🙂
Participantthe only reason why they were overwelmed was because of Grant and his order to to stop exchange. The southern troops in VA were out of food and did not have clothing and were still getting shot at. Whirtz did what he tried to do the best with what he had!!! Now if anywhere should be called a consentration camp it should be camp douglass in Chicago The north had the resources to help the POWS but REFUSED TO GIVE IT. I mean look at the Bread Riots in Richmond!! If we could not even give food to the women in richmond the Captiol of the Confederacy how in the WORLD were we supose to feed a bunch of invading yankees