Forum Replies Created
ParticipantThe Balkans have always been a thorn in Europe's side. I suppose this is not likely to change even in our lifetimes.
It certainly will not. As long as the people of the Balkans think they are not getting their due they will continue to be a thorn. They are like a pot that is always perilously close to boiling over.
In spite of I stopted my participation, I have to put in order something, because I am the author of this posting. BULGARIANS ARE NOT NATIONALISTS! Bulgarian people is a very tolerate people. Bulgarians are halved and they have not any hate to the others. But the goal of this posting is to put in order some misguidens about Bulgarians. Do not draw away the theme! BULGARIANS ARE THRACIANS. They have many contribucions to europeans and to the world. Now, I realy stop my participation.
ParticipantIf Bulgaria saved the world, what did they save? Am I to be impressed with what we have now? But at least Ivkan is persistent so don't make a fun of him or he mights a get mad. 🙂
I do not underestimate any people. On contrary, I have respect to every people in the world. For that reason, I do not make a fun with the history of any people. Who makes a fun is not a object of my attention. I only want some part of Bulgarian history do not be delete! Who wants, can read my book "Who, we are?-The language, wich we speak, shows that or what is the truth about Bulgarian people" - in Bulgarian "Кои сме ние?-Езикът, който говорим, ни показва това или коя е истината за българския народ". This book you can buy in Sofia - the capital of Bulgaria in these places : square "Slaveikov" - the center of Sofia, the bookshop of Theatrical academy, the bookshop "Bulgarian booklets"-Български книжици. Everyone is in the center of Sofia. I stop my participation. Everything is written in my book.
ParticipantBut nobody brews beer like the Germans. ;D There are so many different kinds too. My local getrankemarkt must have 30-40 different brands and kinds of beer. I haven't even tried all of those yet.
I beg to differ. Germans are good but the Belgians and the Checzks(sp?) are better.The best beer I've had are the trappist beers by far.
The Belgina Blonde beers are pretty good and so are some of the Czech Lagers but I still maintain that the German Lagers are the best. There is a brewey/hotel near Bamberg that makes one of the best Lagers I have ever had called Hirsch Trun or Deer drink. The best beer ever is a monastery beer from near Fulda. You simply cannot beat Kreuzberg Klosterbeir.
Boys, it is not good for you to make fun with the theme about Thracians and Bulgarians. In this way you make a fool yourself. The problem is yours.
ParticipantBut nobody brews beer like the Germans. ;D There are so many different kinds too. My local getrankemarkt must have 30-40 different brands and kinds of beer. I haven't even tried all of those yet.
I beg to differ. Germans are good but the Belgians and the Checzks(sp?) are better.The best beer I've had are the trappist beers by far.
I do not understand you. If you make a fun with me, it is not good for you. I only show the facts and put in order some misguidans.
ParticipantHellow! I have to tell something very important. We Bulgarians are Thracians. This proves our modern language, its structure and many words. You can see that in my book "Who are we? The language, wich we speak, shows that or what is the truth about Bulgarian people." This book is written in bulgarian and after a week will be in the bookshops in Sofia. Some books will be and in Library of congres in USA, and British library in London. I have not enogh time to translate in english, but you will manage with that, the book is not a big one, because the truth is always a short thing. Otherways, it is seeped away. Read this book, it shows one very part of the world history and put many questions about the origin of many peoples of Indoeuropean family. Soon, I will show in wich places in Sofia, this book will bo sold.
Do you mean you are of Greek ancestry ??
No!!! I do not mean that! We Bulgarians are not of Greek ancestry! Thracians are not of Greek ancestry! Thracians are a different people from Greeks! Please, remember that! Thracians are many times an more ancient people than Greeks! Thracian culture is the base of the greek civillisation and many other civillisations, too! It dose not mean that Thracians are Greek ancestry! Do not make this mistake! Thracian people is one unique people, very different from Greek people! Read my book and will understand many things!
ParticipantHellow! I have to tell something very important. We Bulgarians are Thracians. This proves our modern language, its structure and many words. You can see that in my book “Who are we? The language, wich we speak, shows that or what is the truth about Bulgarian people.” This book is written in bulgarian and after a week will be in the bookshops in Sofia. Some books will be and in Library of congres in USA, and British library in London. I have not enogh time to translate in english, but you will manage with that, the book is not a big one, because the truth is always a short thing. Otherways, it is seeped away. Read this book, it shows one very part of the world history and put many questions about the origin of many peoples of Indoeuropean family. Soon, I will show in wich places in Sofia, this book will bo sold.
ParticipantThe old greek language is not a dead one
Yes it is. It is not used anymore, the pronunciation is different, as well as the spelling. What modern peoples speak Koine or even Byzantine Greek today? This is similar to Old and Modern Gaelic. No one uses or speaks old Gaelic anymore, except for scholars.
The Thracians are the real native inhabitants on the Balkan peninsula and the others are new comers and their languages are with a different structure.
Again, I ask, what proof do you have?
The ancient chronicles confirmed that!
Examples of these alleged ancient chronicles (preferably translated into English) would be appreciated.
Before about 10000 years from Balkan peninsula Old Bulgarians went to the east and in 7 century A. D. they returned in the peninsula. The other peoples on the Balkans are new-comers-what of that, but their languages are with a different structure from this of the Bulgarian language. This shows that old Bulgarians are Thracians, who are returned in their native land. May be ancient chronicles, deleberately, are not estimated. May be someone do not want Bulgarians to be so ancient ones. Ask any fillologist, about the structure of one language and he will explain you, that the structure is the base of the language, one constant thing, like one concrete. Gentlemen, you do not want to recognize that Bulgarians are Thracians, who are the base of European civillisation and who created 3 big and powerful states in Europe and saved the continent. I said, what I have to say. The facts exist and talk. For that reasn I stop to write. But I am very grateful to you, because you ,with your questions, helped me to make the name of Bulgaria more famous and to show, that Bulgarian people deserves more respect and the same time I to practise my english. THANK YOU, VERY MUCH !
Participantivkhan, your enthusiasm is admirable, if not misdirected. The Thracian language is lost to extinction. There is absolutely no trace of it whatsoever. Archaeology is against you and any supposed scholar who claims otherwise. The inscriptions found are an unknown language. Any translation of them is just a guess and nothing more.
For example the greek language has recorded writings since 3000 years and from them is apparently that the greek language in the ancient past and now has the same grammer or its base is not changed.
This is not a good example. Ancient Greek is a "dead" language (ie no one speaks it, but it can still be translated). Thracian is extinct, that is, there are no records of it so it cannot be accurately translated.
only the Thracians are the real native habitants
What proof do you have of this?
The old greek language is not a dead one, this a form, an old form of the greek language. For that reason my exampel is a good one. I follow the logic with the languages. Read carefuly. The Thracians are the real native inhabitants on the Balkan peninsula and the others are new comers and their languages are with a different structure. This shows that old Bulgarians are Thracians who were returned in their native land, because the language of the Bulgarians is with a different structure of the other peoples on the peninsula, who are new-comers. The ancient chronicles confirmed that!
ParticipantIf the source is flawed or suspect, logically any conclusions drawn from information in that source are also suspect. that is the point I am driving at here. I am perfectly willing to accept your conclusion if it is based on sound, peer-reviewed research.An analogy would be. It would be unreasonable of me to conclude that the sky is green based on the testimony of a blind man. The blind mans (the source) is a suspect authority. therefore, any conclusions I draw from the (suspect) testimony of the blind man would be false.
After all, we could not ignore the real fact-the language! The ancient chronicles confirm that i am right!
ParticipantI looked at the site and it does not give a Biography of Dr. Guide. I have not questioned your conclusions, just your source. If he is a Dr., in what and where from? I am giving you the benefit of the doubt here. Anyone can claim they are a Dr., if they really are they would have a bio available. I realize he supports your contention about language. I just question his credentials.You would jump on me if I cited Dr. Mickey mouse wouldn't you? You would ask for proof, that is what I am doing.
Sorry scout 1067! I do not know this D-r Stephen Guide. For that reason I followed the logic with the situation of the languages and suppoused that I reached to the truth. The languages are one real fact.
ParticipantI just want to know what transcendant science is. Is it anything like scientology? I can find absolutely nothing out about Dr Guide. Where did he get his doctorate and what is it in?I cant help myself from getting involved in this train wreck again, even though I swore I would not.
OK scout1067, I will proof that Bulgarians are Thracians without the help of D-r Stephen Guide. But before that I give you the site, where you can find something about D-r Stephen Guide : Enter in ?Google? and write ? The Thracian Script decoded . Here is the e-mail : Here is the proof about Bulgarian origin. This is a fact, not a hypothesis, because Bulgarian language speaks here and the speech, which Bulgarians use every moment could not be falsify.Who are Bulgarians ? - The language, which they talk shows thatHere is one very important condition ? how we deal with the language. Because one language has two faces. One is its vocabulary, which is its outside face and can misguided us and other is its structure or grammer and this is the base of the language. The base of the language or its grammer is the real its essence . This essence is a constant thing, like a concrete and could not be changed. For example the greek language has recorded writings since 3000 years and from them is apparently that the greek language in the ancient past and now has the same grammer or its base is not changed. One language could receive some little grammer changes, but the whole grammer always is unchanged. The vocabulary could be changed drasticly, but this is only the outside face.Bulgarian language is one analytic one. It means without cases. The languages of the other peoples on Balkan peninsula are synthetic ones or with cases and different base, grammer. The Balkan peninsula is a part of the nativeland of the Indo-Europeans. Before 10000 years there was a big flood and then was created Black sea and many people went to the east ? these are the Old Bulgarians. In their way they met Turks and Iranians, the languages of whom are synthetic ones. In 7 centure A. D. Bulgarians returned on Balkan peninsula and continue to speak their analytic language. The other peoples on Balkan peninsula are new-comers, only the Thracians are the real native habitants, for that reason the other peoples speak different languages with different grammers. What follows of that ? Old Bulgarians are Thracians, who are returned in their nativeland. For that reason there are many chronicles in which is said -?The Thracians, who are called Bulgarians? ? I have written about that and have given examples.
ParticipantIt turned out, that Bulgarians are Thracians
Um, how is it even remotely possible to know this? The Thracian language and culture went extinct after the invasions of the Celts, Goths, Huns etc. LINK Without written records there is absolutely no way to prove Bulgarians are of Thracian origin. (unless you all made a huge archeological find recently we're not aware of)By the way, are you and your friends here learning all this from your teachers? I'm not trying to insult you or your instructors. All I'm suggesting is to be careful of and know the difference between history and propaganda, ivkhan.
This is not a propaganda. It is an uncovering of the truth about Bulgarians. They were lied, that they are slav people. It was hidden from them about their contributions for Europe and the World etc. Now, they are a not very big people, but in the past they were very big and very great ones. Every people has to know his own realy history!Here are some of the many proofs about Thracian?s origin of Bulgarians. First I recommend you to know with the books of Dr. Stephen Guide ? ?The Thracian Script Decoded? in IV volumes. You will see who are the Thracians = Bulgarians. Old Bulgarians are Thracians, who are returned in their nativeland. Second, here are some statements from the ancient chronicles.1 ? Michael Atalait ? ?History??Mesians are, with a sureness, the Bulgarians, who are received their new name, later..???The Bulgarians are the mirmidonians??2 ? Zonara dictionary?Peonians ? or Thracian people, makedonians. These are so called Panonians, Panonians are Bulgarians.?3 ? Joan Tsetsas ? ?Hiliadi??Peonians are Bulgarians?.4 ? Fulko ? a french priest : A describe of the first crusade campain 1096 year.?Hinc iter aggressi per fines Vulgariorum, quos vocitant Thracas, ut habent monumenta priorum? ? From here, they started their road through the lands of the Bulgarians, who are called Thracians in the previous memorials.5 ? Kasiodor ? a roman historian, IV century, writes ? The Bulgarians are an old mesian people.6 ? Enodea Titseaski / 473-524/, a bishpop, a historian of the goth king Teodorich , shows too, that the Bulgarians are an old mesian people.7 ? Laonicus Chalcondyles says, that the Tribals ? one of the many Thracian tribes- have been the most ancient and the biggest people than the other peoples. Now they are called Bulgarians.Bulgarian folklor today is the Thracian folklor. The stucture or the grammer of Bulgarian language is the Thracian structure or the grammer. There are and many words of Thracian origin ? read Stephen Guide ? I have written about him. Read his books ?The Thracian Script Decoded?.You will understand that Bulgarians are the forgotten savers of Europe. The Bulgarians deserve more respect. Now, there are many Bulgarian citizens from Gipsy origin in western countries. I do not mean them. It is necessarily to be made more and more archaeological excavations in Bulgaria, because the world has to know his history.I sorry, that I could not continue. I have written about that. But I will try to provide
ParticipantOkay so now the Bulgarians were originally Greeks...Thracians=Greeks. Now I've heard everything. 🙂
Donald Baker, I could not believe that you can say such nonsense! I think, that there is something suspicious in your statement! I am sure that you know who are the Thracians! Now I will explain for the nonspecialists. The language shows everything. Old greek language and modern greek language have cases or greek language is a synthetic language. Bulgarian language has not cases. Bulgarian language has complitly different structure, it is an analytic language. The base of one language is the structure or the grammer. Yes, there are records of the literary old bulgarian language, where there are cases, but this are the records of the imposed for official slav language in Bulgaria in 9 centure. This is not the language of the people, then and now. The proof is that now Bulgarian language has not cases. The grammer, the structure of one languge could not be changed. Donald, it is enough what i said and I do not receive any other nonsenses from you or from anybody else!
ParticipantI too, have decided to leave this topic alone. It has been run into the ground.
No, you are totaly wrong! This topic has not been into the ground! On contrary! The truth is always on the ground! If you could not to see it, the problem is only yours!
ivkhan, you seem to think I am running down the Bulgars as a people, I am not. I am however disputing your claim that they "saved" Europe. I dont htink you are right and have laid out why. You have not countered my argument you just say I am not right. Could you please explain why I am wrong without getting excited and using exclamation points at the end of every sentence?
Excuse me scout1067, here you are right! I will represent examples and we/all/ to know better bulgarian history, only will win. Thank you for your attention and excuse me again!
Hi, I am here again, after a little break. Now I will start one theme about bulgarian origin. It turned out, that Bulgarians are Thracians and this enough to be told the world that Bulgarians are given the base of the European civilization, because The Thracians are the creators of the bigest neolith culture and civilization in Europe. All next civilizations-Greek, Roman, Modern etc. are borrowed many things from Thracians-mean Bulgarians. And do not forget middle ages, about them I have writen and you ignored, deliberately, many things, like "Bogomili", like bulgarian contribution for slav world etc. Yes, You made attention of khan Tervel, but here you underestimated a little his contribution. I have not enogh time to write, but other persons will explain you many things about the forgotten savers of Europe - the Bulgarians. May be some persons will write, for example, in french language. This persons will give you many sources about the thracians origin of Bulgarians. It is a pity, that I could not continue, but I have to provide the subsistence of my family. In Bulgaria this is a very hard thing. If you know better Bulgarian History, you only will win!
ParticipantI too, have decided to leave this topic alone. It has been run into the ground.
No, you are totaly wrong! This topic has not been into the ground! On contrary! The truth is always on the ground! If you could not to see it, the problem is only yours!
ivkhan, you seem to think I am running down the Bulgars as a people, I am not. I am however disputing your claim that they "saved" Europe. I dont htink you are right and have laid out why. You have not countered my argument you just say I am not right. Could you please explain why I am wrong without getting excited and using exclamation points at the end of every sentence?
Excuse me scout1067, here you are right! I will represent examples and we/all/ to know better bulgarian history, only will win. Thank you for your attention and excuse me again!