Forum Replies Created
ParticipantI'd go back to 9/10/2001 and shoot Attas and the other SOB's dead in their hotel rooms and then hang their bodies off the Brooklyn Bridge with a special message attached for the rest of the loonies.
ParticipantIt'd be a toss-up between illegal immigrants and Islamic extremists.
ParticipantI would have to say that Tesla was probably the best mix of genius and productivity. Many of the others on the list either lacked the creativity or productivity. Some like Einstein or DaVinci had tons of innovative ideas, but the technology didn't exist in their time to make it a reality. I have an idea for an uncloggable toilet, but if it never gets built would I qualify as an inventor? 😀
ParticipantDonaldBaker wrote:Genesis 14: 14-16 Abram led a force of 300 men as far as Dan, and then divided his forces and attacked as far as Hobah, north of Damascus where he successfully rescued Lot and brought back all his goods and possessions.
Good point. I was thinking that they were talking about Lot's hurried escape from Sodom before the fire started falling 🙄February 3, 2006 at 6:58 am in reply to: The Wealth of the Knights Templar: Where did it come from? #4864kingjoey
ParticipantWeren’t they suspected to be taking ‘protection money’ from pilgrims and brokering an uneasy peace with the Saracens?
ParticipantI’ve heard similar accounts, and likewise I can’t remember the name either. The accounts of the Bible and the Torah don’t put Abram in the ‘rescue’ of Lot, which raises some questions about where they are going with their ‘research’ since the accounts of Lot are based on biblical sources, I wonder where they got the part of the story about Abram launching a Mossad-esque rescue operation? 😆
February 3, 2006 at 6:46 am in reply to: What has been the greatest military advancement of all time? #4775kingjoey
ParticipantIIRC the Maxim was introduced in 1908. The gun you are thinking of was a carriage mounted setup that held multiple barrels loaded with blackpowder and balls. This was used as a predecessor to the Gatling as it allowed multiple shots without reloading. Unfortunately, when it had to be reloaded it was out of commission for several minutes
January 22, 2006 at 6:31 am in reply to: What has been the greatest military advancement of all time? #4771kingjoey
ParticipantI’d have to say that gunpowder opened the door to several different weapons. Cannons, firearms, and bombs were all developed from this invention. The wheel also ranks high as it allowed armies to move larger weapons and seige equipment farther from their bases of operation
ParticipantYeah, it amazes me that the man has grown a fan base around a “dick and fart joke” format. Really says something about the ignorance of the general public nowadays.
Participant“Vietnam” is just a catch-phrase spouted by the left to describe any war they don’t approve of. There is still a bit of a stigma attached to the Vietnam War and so they try to play on the public’s feelings by comparing whatever war/police action to Vietnam to try to rally support from the moonbats. Somehow a war that we are winning, with 2000 casualties, and have been involved in for only three years doesn’t seem to compare to a war we weren’t making progress on, had 52,000+ casualties, and had been involved in for over a decade. Then again, the leftists and the media aren’t concerned with truth or logic, they are only interested in hype and supporting their agenda
ParticipantWhat is the biggest threat to Western Civilization?
Itself. The senseless excesses and the complacency that accompany them will keep people from doing anything about the decline of their own culture 🙁kingjoey
ParticipantThat’s a good question, I don’t think the founding fathers had subdivision in mind when the layed the groundwork for this country, but they did leave the power in the hands of the states and the people with provisions to overthrow an oppressive gov’t. Legal or not, if things go sideways in this country it could happen again
ParticipantI would wager that Hess found his way to South America with the rest of the Nazi bigwigs. A lot of Nazis disappeared in Brazil, Paraguay, and other countries.
ParticipantI think that Islam’s hardball control over its believers makes the idea of reform nonexistant in Muslim countries, centuries of programming that their way is right and the rest of the world are pawns of the devil makes for some pretty thorough brainwashing. Muslims here in the US seem to be ‘reformed’ of sorts, with the religion and the gov’t not being one in the same here it puts Islam in its rightful place as being a religion and not a prison. In Muslim countries the gov’t enforces the religion and the religion enforces the gov’t. IMO this is a lot of the reason why the Muslims are fighting against our goals in Iraq and Afghanistan, an open democracy breaks the grip that Islam has on the public. When Iraq and the other countries over there get established, expect to see some degree of reform occur in Islam
November 4, 2005 at 10:35 pm in reply to: Bill of Rights and What it meant then and what it means now! #4198kingjoey
ParticipantActually, I think the people need the power and protocols to deal with the terrorist threat. The federal government’s responsibility and power ends with foreign military campaigns and controlling who and what enters this country.
So far:
They have been being too PC in fighting a war against Muslim extremists, causing the Iraq conflict to stagnate somewhat.
They have not secured our borders so terrorists and supplies could walk into our country rather freely, along with the 10 million+ illegals.
They have failed miserably in the war on drugs. If we can't keep millions of pounds of narcotics from coming into this country, how are we supposed to keep NBC weapons from getting into our country?
In light of this, we now have the Supreme Court and the gov't undermining our freedoms in order to "win" the war on terror. The AWB and all the other laws based on 'interpretations' of the Consitution have eroded our 2nd Amendment rights, the Patriot Act infringed heavily on the 1st Amendment, and repealing the PC act would put the 4th, 5th, and 10th at risk. We need to restore rights to the people, the gov't keeps taking away our rights and providing failure in return. So far it hasn't been a good investment -