I am not so sure about that. Immigrant were a minority in the Union Army, though a large one. I can see how perceptions could be created though. Much like with the Occupy idiots from the fall. In some ways perception can become reality. I am certain that happened to an extent during the Civil War as well.
I think the commutation fee was the smaller factor, and the racial tensions the higher. This would account for the number of blacks that were attacked, lynched, and beaten. Add in the number of black institutions that were attacked and all in all the majority of the targets were black. I think this is a spot on realization:Firstly, you must keep in mind that nine days before the riots began was the Battle of Gettysburg. And not long before that came the Emancipation Proclamation. This broadened the goal of the Union from just focusing on preserving the Union to also abolishing slavery. In New York City and other highly populated northern cities, numerous immigrants were present, many from Ireland. The free African-American population in New York City and the Irish immigrants were competing for jobs. So this thought was most likely in the mind of the average Irish worker: Why should I fight to end slavery when all they do is come and steal my work?
The economic argument is probably very valid. Blacks would have been willing to work at lower wages than whites and thus depress the ability of some whites to earn as much as they wanted to.
This is one of the reasons for the New York City Draft Riots in 1863. Poor immigrants did not want to go fight for a people that would take their already meager existence and depreciate it even further.
All these reasons are why Obama will get a second term. Not one single GOP candidate is viable. Perry is out, Bachman is out, Cain is out, Hunstman is unknown, Paul is a nutjob, and Gingrich has too much baggage and is unelectable IMHO. That leaves Romney whose faith is an issue for many on the far right and again, will prevent him from a supportive backing. All the other candidates are unknown…. Who does that leave? Obama for another 4 years.The GOP has no one in the ranks who can appease the right and woo the middle. Obama has the left and has the ability to woo the middle. Sucks, but it is what it is.Personally I think until real, revolutionary change occurs the political process is going flounder back and forth... Dems mess up vote GOP... GOP messes up vote Dem...ad nauseum...
I'm taking a American Revolution class as we speak and this topic came up. Actually what we discovered is he had a couple sets of dentures and the teeth were horse and donkey teeth, ivory, gold, lead and even human teeth. 😮He started to loose his teeth in his early 20's. The dentures didn't always fit right and that is why he always had the closed-lip, sour expression on his face.
Slavery provided income for the rich, which provided for the economy of the South. The non-slaveholders fought collaterally… they needed the rich slave holders to retain their wealth.I also believe whole-heartedly in the comment Shelby Foote used in the Ken Burns documentary that when a northerner asked a southern prisoner why they were fighting, the southerner replie, "because you're down here".Sums it up nicely.
Christopher Walken was there too… he has always been mum about the whole thing…I dunno... Honestly, I don't hink Wagner did it... I think just like they stated, there was drinking going on, an argument, and she had in the past gotten off the boat in the dingy to go to shore... she bundled up, wine affected her senses, slipped, fell, got weighted down by the coat and drowned.
Regardless of why the illegals are coming, the trends say that demographically they will outnumber the descendants of European stock (whites), within at most 2 generations. That is colonization and domination. Once they outnumber us, they can use the power of the ballot to ensure their domination.
Exactly...it doesn't take weapons or battle to colonize and dominate any longer.
I would love to see immigration made easier, I would also love to see immigrants forced to integrate or leave.
And truly enforce the policy. Make it law, enforce the law and don't bend or get wishy-washy about it...
By contrast, there is no language requirement for legal residence in the US, mainly because the left claims that would be discriminatory. This leads to a sub-society of people who do not speak enough English to get by in the larger economy.
And who believe things are owed to them. I can't afford or am too lazy to follow the process so I will break the law instead. Degenerates our society as a whole.
Once again, the problem is not immigration, it is the lack of Integration. I know I sound like I am advcating big-government here, but I am not. I am advocating for some kind of process to integrate immigrants and let join society at large instead of stay in the shadows. Absent integration any discussion of immigration is pretty much a dead letter before it even starts.
I don't know… China knows how to beat us ultimately… through commerce… They are going to choke us financially into submission… Why not those countries south of the border saturating the US "innocently" with immigrants to push the balance? I don't think that is too far fetched... and we would fall for it hook, line and sinker.
Yeah, but that wasn't immigraton in the same sense we're talking now. That was colonization and dominaton.
Devils advocate here.. but don't you think think that is what is happening now in a subversive way?I think one can look at the influx, the change in our society, the PC attitude that is growing and look at the demographics that say that Latinos will be the majority of the citizenry of the US by 2025... colonization and domination by a different standard...
Ron Paul not insane? ::)The man is nuttier than a fruitcake. Like scout just posted in a different thread, he comes up with 3 good ideas and 800 totally insane ones... Herman Cain had me for a while, but his stance on abortion is turning me off big time. That is one issue that I will never bend on. The family should not be the ones deciding if murder is OK. Period.
What about the country or nation they came from? Is it now our responisbility to take care of their citizens?Emotional, personal, however you want to say it, the fact is their is an underlying problem that begins outside of our borders, but because they come here and then cry it now becomes our problem.I'm not against helping people, I'm against catering to a group at the expense of others and ignoring the foundational structure of the issue: it is broke somewhere else and we have grown so PC and lacidaisical that the world KNOWS we'll cave in on not only our principles, but on our very own laws.I will not pretend to know the answer to the solution, but I do know it has to be looked at from the foundation of the issue and any emotions that come in to play had better be strongly checked and grounded to deal with the issue properly. Any other way just puts a band-aid on the whole illegal immigration issue.
I still don't understand why emotion has to over-rule the law.The law is what it is... We just choose to see things in shades of gray when the reality of black and white doesn't fit into a mold we want it to. Whatever the law was back when the immigrants from Europe came here, they did so by whatever the law of that day allowed them. I'm sure there were those who did so illegally and they should have been treated as such: law breakers. The idfference now is we just assume that any sob story should grant someone the same (and in some cases better) rights than those who follow the rules.Sorry... this is just the PC world shoving a square peg in a round hole.
I will be SO glad when her 15 minutes are up… She only has Sarah Palin in mind… Anything constructive she says is negated by her “oh, you were not paying attention to me.. why not?” demeanor… Example.. she isn't running yet she claims she will play a decisive role? Really? If that doesn't scream self-centeredness I don't know what does...😛