Forum Replies Created
ParticipantNot at all true. I haven't heard of any duels recently.
[knock knock knock ...]
ParticipantI didn't attack you, I asked how you can qualify the Portuguese Inquisition as “more vicious” than the Spanish one. But you chose to get on your high horse; sue me or denunciate me if this can make you feel better but you didn't bring any evidence to your assertion, my friend
ParticipantFirst you wonder about my english, then about my moslem name and finally you call me “academic snob” and paranoid … Out of two things, one : or good manners are vanishing, or you're not really a gentleman…Anyway, since you admitted to be biased and according to your contempt to provide evidence about your judgment on historical facts, therefore whatever you can write or think here is irrelevant. 8)
ParticipantAsk a native American about the effects of uncontrolled immigration
ParticipantA novelist isn't an historian : you can't qualify what happened in the past with what happened in present time; your”Nazi-like” term is biased and subjective. You still avoid to answer about your "more vicious Portuguese"stance.You still didn't tell why you're so suspicious about my muslim backround ...
ParticipantYes, I was referring to those of Jewish origin specifically because from the fifteenth century when they were the main target of the Spanish and Portuguese Inquisitions, first religiously and then by "blood." Descendants of conversos were viewed as new-Christians, 1/4 and 1/8 new-Christian and partial new-Christian, similar to the Negro Mulatto, Quadroon and Octaroon in old New Orleans. They were exclided from the military, government service, and the high Church. Forged limpiezas de sangre, certificates of blood purity untainted by Jew, Moor, or recent converts, were common during the era of the Inquisition. There is a clear line of Nazi-style bigotry against Jews from the moment the Visigoths of Iberia accepted Roman Trinitarianism to their ascendancy during the reconquista.Moriscos, descendants of forcibly converted Muslims, were ethnically cleansed, aka expelled, as you probably know for two, reasons in 1609: They had the potential to be allies of another Muslim invasion from North Africa and their birth rate far exceeded that of the Christians, especially after Castile was decimated by plague around 1600.By the way, Omer, what is your first language? And may I also ask why my first post seemed to annoy you? May I make an assumption from your name and "assume" you come from a Muslim background? Also, have you made a thorough study of Spain, Portugal and the Inquisition, or have I disturbed certain assumptions that we all often make through superficial reading of certain eras of History.Speaking of assumptions, despite my Celtic-Germanic name, I am not as you said Anglo-Saxon. My Jewish family comes from the pre-revolution Tsarist Empire, one side from the Polish-Prussian border region and Warsaw and other other from the Black sea, both sides emigrating to the USA before WWI. At least a half-dozen times in my life I have been mistaken for Iranian, including when I was very fit in the year 1959, for a bodyguard of the Shah when he was visiting San Francisco.
My surprise comes from what seems to be different values or levels among the victims of the Inquisition. According to what you wrote: the Portuguese were more vicious because they targeted one particular group: Judaizers ? I don't think that any Inquisition would be better or worse than another according to the identity of the victims. It's a bias !As well as when you qualify what happened against Jews since the Visigoths as " a clear line of Nazi-style bigotry against Jews"(sic).My second surprise comes from your interrogation about my pseudo Omer. As you wrote, Omer can indeed be a muslim name (Omer, Ömer or Arabic: عمر, ʿUmar)It can also refer to Omer : עֹמֶר a town (local council) in the South District of Israel, bordering Beersheba.And it can also refer to Omer aka Saint Audomar (died ca. 670 AD), better known as Saint Omer, who was a Burgundy-born bishop of Thérouanne, after whom nearby Saint-Omer in northern France was named.I wonder why you asked about my possible muslim background ? Your assumptions look like inquisitions...
ParticipantOf course dear; well I was just wondering if persecuting Judaizers was your reason to qualify the Portuguese Inquistion more vicious than his Iberic fellows.About my poor language, you might be right (again); however pls enlighten me so that my miserable failure of cynicism and deliberate misuse of vocabulary and my "un-anglo-saxon-born" curse will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day :-*
ParticipantSo both the Portuguese and the Spanish Inquisitions were relentlessly chastising people of “suspicious origins”, “haredims, moriscos, hags, adulterers, blasphemers, sodomites and heretics, etc.”Why the Portuguese Inquisition was the worse ?
ParticipantNot with the Inquisition, which was more vicious and thorough at times than Spain's.
Oh really ? How more vicious ??
ParticipantDemocrats have led America into more wars than Republicans have including both World Wars. I would guess though that the answer you are looking for is Republican since Lincoln was President during the Civil War. I still voted Democrat on this poll because I don't consider crushing and insurrection to be a proper war any more than Lincoln did. Calling it a proper war would be admitting that the Rebels had legitimate complaints.
ParticipantMoonshine, dust and death rattles over the battlefield … Phidi, Phidi lama sabachthani ? :'(
ParticipantI was checking one of their maps and I came across an interesting one : Which Presidents have led the United States into its deadliest wars?My bet : Democrat or Republican ? (too bad I can't insert a poll here) ;D !! OK I could insert a poll, however this wasn't my first thought when I started this post !!Answer :
ParticipantI didn't make it , just found. They also have maps about History of Religions and about March of Democracy
ParticipantI might be wrong but the Early Middle Ages didn't begin with the fall of Rome ?