Forum Replies Created
KeymasterPourquoi Napoléon ne accrocher l'une des peintures les plus célèbres dans le monde en sa salle de bain les?
KeymasterIf there's a trend here, it's that people who have had contact with Ebola patients tend to travel and/or use mass transit soon thereafter.
KeymasterWell, it appears that panic is subsiding a bit now that some people have been passed through the waiting period unharmed. I still don't think we're anywhere out of the woods just yet, though. If Ebola starts spreading to parts of the world less equipped to handle it than the U.S. or European nations, it could still spread exponentially.
October 19, 2014 at 7:42 pm in reply to: Was the late Roman Empire a bit like the world today? #30255Phidippides
KeymasterI haven't seen your other episodes in this series, but it seems like quite a close examination of Gibbon's work. A general question – how much of the review comes from your own analysis/opinions, and how much do you present Gibbon's view/opinions of the history of Rome? I wasn't sure if you attempt to present the facts of his work only or to analyze of his presentation of Roman history. Both topics are ripe for discussion.
KeymasterMaybe I have heard it before but I didn't know if was a popular saying, so I didn't really think of it. I am not really sure why some bits of knowledge resonate with certain people and not others. In my dealings with adolescent students, I will sometimes assume they know the meanings of words that I think they would know, only to find out they do not. Then, just the other day I was remarking how I didn't know any movies one particular actor was in (Paul Rudd), and the others who I was with proceeded to rattle off several movies that I had heard of but which I had not seen.I guess knowledge is like the ocean: its ebbs and flows will cover most shores, but on occasion there are small places that remain unaffected.
KeymasterI think you're right about the risks with it becoming airborne. I did hear yesterday that while they don't have proof it has spread this way, it can survive in dry form for some time (e.g. on a door handle). Still, I think it will be relatively easy to contain the virus simply by washing knobs and surfaces, and by people washing their hands more frequently.The thing that concerns me is how the two nurses got sick. I wonder if they really know for sure how the virus is transmitted, or if there are some things they don't know about it. If there is confirmation that it is airborne, imagine the panic that will ensue.
October 16, 2014 at 3:13 pm in reply to: Was the late Roman Empire a bit like the world today? #30254Phidippides
KeymasterI went ahead and edited the link on your post to include the video, since the link you put in wasn't working correctly. I hope you don't mind. I will take a look at the video and then post my thoughts shortly.
KeymasterYou mean this guy in the fox-skin hat? didn't know you had a site call Simple Survival, but i just found it now:'s a nice chunk of change the guy offered. I would probably have taken it, but that's just me. 😉 Unless the guy wanted the content, and not just the domain name, you could have set up shop at some other location, right?
KeymasterDo you happen to know the death rate of people infected with SARS? I didn't think it was quite as high as Ebola.
KeymasterDid you hear about how this second nurse flew from Cleveland to Dallas soon before getting Ebola symptoms? You have to wonder what the person was thinking by traveling within the incubation period after treating an Ebola patient. The airline was apparently trying to contact the people who flew on that plane. How would you like to be the person who finds out you were sitting right next to the Ebola carrier?
KeymasterYeah, that's true. A site's value can be determined by demand, by potential demand or by revenue streams. I'm not sure how much money I make off per year, but it's probably in the neighborhood of $150-$200. The site is passive and doesn't really require me to do anything, so it's not like I invest much labor into it. It's also valuable to me because it gets a decent number of visitors and reputable sites link to it (high schools, colleges, history sites).If I were to put a minimum selling price on, it would probably be around $500.
KeymasterThe fact that there's a second nurse who contracted Ebola in the U.S. makes some kind of travel stoppage between Africa and other parts of the world seem all the more sensible.
KeymasterIn honor of Columbus Day, it's time to resurrect the sixth most-viewed thread on the forum! And one of the oldest threads as well!
KeymasterIt makes one think that as the Black Death spread north from the Mediterranean, the people of Europe must have heard reports and been struck with great anxiety as the disease made geographic advances over the course of months. Ebola will spread somewhat differently. [img][/img]Bubonic plague map [GFDL ( or CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], by Original by Roger Zenner (de-WP)Enlarging & readability editing by user Jaybear, from Wikimedia Commons
KeymasterSo will Norway be given the bill for cleaning expenses?