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KeymasterIn the First World War an estimated 300 million explosives were fired by German and British forces that did not explode.Most of these have not been recovered and in 2012 alone 160 tonnes of them were unearthed from below-sea level soil around Ypres.
KeymasterFor me, basketball is a sport which is more fun to play than to watch. As for college bb, most of the excitement comes simply from following which teams win or lose, rather than assessing the execution of the games (if that makes sense).
KeymasterYeah, I guess I didn't think that an unopened gallon of water (the kind bought from the store) would spontaneously combust (actually, two of the containers burst open). Why this happened is a mystery to me. From the look of them, it looked like they imploded. I know that you're supposed to rotate water every 6 months, and I think I didn't check on my supplies for 9-12 months when this episode happened.
KeymasterWell, I would take it. My reasoning is that the impact such a change would have on my lifestyle (from my current level of income to $10 million) would be far greater than the difference between having $10 million and $1 billion. Obviously, having $1 billion allows you to buy a heck of a lot more things than having $10 million does, but in either case you'd move beyond mere “need” in life.
KeymasterIt's interesting to me that in both cases, the homeowners knew that there were shelters on their properties but no one bothered to check them out until recently. If I were buying a house, I would want to check out what was on my property either before or right around the time of purchase. It said the shelter in Wisconsin had water in the bottom of it. That had to be nasty inside. I had a plastic bin in a closet at my place which I put supplies in (water, a few cans of food, etc.). For some reason, the plastic on two of the water containers busted at some point, and after mixing with some other stuff it got all mucky. Since I didn't check the bin very often, I didn't know anything was amiss except for the fact that we started getting little flies flying around. I thought they were fruit flies and I kept trying to clean out the drains with bleach to stop the problem. I finally opened the plastic storage bin and found that the flies were breeding inside it, and the smell of the murky liquid in the bin was atrocious. I had to throw away virtually all the contents inside it.
KeymasterHmmm….yesterday and today I've gotten this message:We're sorry but we are currently experiencing very high volumes of traffic. Please try again later.
KeymasterWow! Glad to hear that you guys were able to meet up. I didn't realize that WCF could foster such nice social connections!So, did you guys talk history at dinner at ll? If so, I have to ask which historical topics came up...
KeymasterThat link didn't work….this one should:
KeymasterPerhaps you've all heard about Warren Buffett offering $1 billion to a person who could pick a perfect March Madness bracket. The odds of doing it are astronomical, so more than likely no one will get the money. But let's consider a hypothetical – you've correctly picked the winners of all the games going into the Final Four. Say Warren Buffett offers you $10 million if you will back out of the competition at that point, thereby taking yourself out of the running for the $1 billion. Do you accept?
KeymasterOh wow…absent-minded me, I didn't even know I reached the 7000 mark!
KeymasterHappy St. Patrick's Day! I might otherwise say to make a toast with a Guinness, but in light of recent events, make a toast with a Beamish/Paddy's Whisky (or something similar)!
KeymasterHmmmm….I thought the larger meaning was simply the relative population of countries at 1 A.D., as illustrated by country size. 😉
KeymasterI'm sure there are some solid analyses of this passage out there which deflate the communist perception of this passage.
KeymasterTwo things:1) I am not convinced that "economic stratification" leads to overconsumption. It seems to me that if if wealth is concentrated in the hands of the few, few people will be consuming many goods, and the market could properly respond to that demand. On the other hand, demand would be much greater if the wealth of the masses grew across the board, perhaps leading to overconsumption.2) I just reviewed this thread from four years ago and it's an interesting read. I'm inclined to think that the danger posed by China has grown since I first responded, particularly since China holds such a high amount of U.S. debt.I also think that one of the biggest and primary threats to the West today is not external (China, extreme Islam, etc.) but internal. The West is at risk of collapsing upon itself, if it is not already. The moral collapse seems to have been ongoing, and the economic collapse may follow if serious change does not take place. After that happens, then China/Islam will swoop in.
KeymasterIt's my understanding that Keystone XL is meant to bring Canadian oil into the U.S. Would this be connected to/have an impact on oil from the Dakotas?