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KeymasterYeah, I read through the story and didn't see where they talked about determining the date, either. There may be other sites in the East which are this age as well, but I am not as familiar with those. In any case, it could be a significant find – from the earliest stages of man's move toward permanent settlements.
KeymasterYes, I believe you are sort of right. I know there was a settlement at Tell es Sultan in Jericho which dates to 8000 B.C., but I'm not sure if any of the earliest structures are still standing (there is a standing tower there which dates to 7500 B.C.). A house that is 10,000 years old puts it on the border of the Mesolithic Era when the ice may have still been melting and people still nomadic, so it would be hard to build a permanent structure too early. The oldest known "temporary" house that I know of was one dating to about 16,0000-10,000 B.C. in the Ukraine, made out of mammoth bones.
KeymasterThen you must be celebrating Thanksgiving in an island, being overseas. I've celebrated Thanksgiving while out of the country before as well, and I believe I had to eat chicken in lieu of turkey.
KeymasterThat Obama was elected can happen. The he was re-elected despite all the evidence of incompetence is conclusive proof of the stupidity of the average voter. Of course, that the GOP put forward someone like Romney is not a mark of intelligence on the part of the GOP. Romney was Obama light in a lot of ways.
I think Romney would have been light years better than Obama has been during his second term. No, not an ideal patriot, but someone we could have worked with. I would have been frustrated with Romney at times, but overall I imagine he would have brought the country in the right direction.
KeymasterFunny – I was going to say that Donnie's theory falls apart where it asserts major banks and corporations are calling the shots. Those kinds of entities want to maintain peace and security, as they suffer without it. Who wants to keep their money in a bank in which the nation is falling apart? Now, I will agree that banks/corporations have influence on American government as special interest groups, but I would have a hard time believing that they would be proposing to Obama that he decimate the military or weaken American sovereignty. That has to be influenced by another source.
KeymasterThe decline of US power is a done deal unless current trends change radically in the next 2-3 years. Not only is the military downsizing, training is being cut, end-strength is being cut, acquisition is pretty much stopped, and even worse, equipment losses from the decade of wasted war is not being made good.
So in your opinion, is Obama/Democrats cutting the military for the purpose of decimating America's armed forces from within? I'm asking because I've heard the idea floated before that Obama is intentionally leading America downhill.
KeymasterSo yesterday was Thursday, November 21. What if Thanksgiving were yesterday? How would it have changed your life/activities/outlook? Of course, that would have happened had "Franksgiving" been kept (the moving of Thanksgiving to the third Thursday in November).Personally, I like having Thanksgiving at the end of November. It seems that Christmas has become more and more materialized over my lifetime, so much so that it's hard to - pardon the cliche - take in the true meaning of Christmas. Having Thanksgiving at the end of November is but one way of delaying the inevitability of Christmas commercials, decorations, and so forth which businesses throw at us. I like Thanksgiving. It is an overlooked holiday, but an important one. How often are we truly thankful to God for what we have? And how often can we imagine ourselves following in the footsteps of Colonial-era people feasting on the Fall harvest?
KeymasterBut wouldn't a toothless U.S. be an even greater invitation for some other nation to increase its aggression? I'm not wagering on the likelihood of a world war, but I do think that the decline of American power will signal the rise of reckless behavior by other nations which fear us less – perhaps China, Russia, Iran, etc. Heck, it probably has already.As for civil war - would it even get that far? Federal power is such that it would seem to leave little room for an oppressed minority to assert its rights in a sovereign way. The government will fine the opposition until it complies, leaving it with few resources left in its pocket. I'm guessing that the remaining folks who don't comply will be rounded up and put into prison.Oh, and we should remember why all of this is happening - so that liberals can create their liberal utopia. I suppose if there is a silver lining with Obamacare, it will be that its likely failure will be evidence that the liberal utopian vision does not work.
KeymasterReminds me of the exchange from A Man for All Seasons:
Sir Thomas More: What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil?William Roper: Yes, I'd cut down every law in England to do that!Sir Thomas More: Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned 'round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country is planted thick with laws, from coast to coast, Man's laws, not God's! And if you cut them down, and you're just the man to do it, do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I'd give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety's sake!
KeymasterI kind of get a kick out of these spammers…”why don't we put a random post about the Apollo 11 mission in the middle of a thread about modern French politics?”
KeymasterI remember seeing some of those black and white episodes as a kid (reruns, not original airing!) and despite their age they were still entertaining. Seeing the black and white clip of the Doctor from 1963 just now, I wonder how they came up with the science fiction and story line. There's an established sci-fi tradition now that has been developed over decades, but back in the early '60s the writers of Doctor Who must have faced new challenges.
KeymasterSo Herman Melville is one of the characters in the movie….the event upon which Moby Dick was based, I presume.
Keymaster#facepalm (!) Another carolegreen on our forum!
KeymasterAh, that brings back some memories. I loved watching that show as a kid. My favorite doctor was Tom Baker. Looking at that retrospective, though, so many of the props and costumes look excessively cheap and chinsy.