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KeymasterThere was an error when I tried to register on the site.
KeymasterSt. Paul it is. I believe the number is > 15k lakes over 10 acres in the state.
KeymasterMany even mention that, to achieve our “goal” of curing the planet, you'd have to eliminate 90% of the population. Nice. 😐
Interesting, as that was the goal (well, more like 99.9% of the population) of the eco-extremist in Tom Clancy's work of fiction Rainbow Six. I'm sure that there are people seriously entertaining that idea of population elimination at this very moment.
KeymasterThis is a good topic. We should have made a game out of this where we give clues to the city where we live based on its history and other people try to guess the place. For me, I currently live a few blocks from the longest stretch of residential Victorian homes in (I think) North America. Two or three homes down the street is the house where F. Scott Fitzgerald was born (so I'm told), and homes and buildings by Cass Gilbert (same person who designed the U.S. Supreme Court building) are in the area.
KeymasterWhat's interesting about that is an historian had to come to her rescue to get her pension back. I wonder if she just didn't argue one the benefits were cut. Also, it seems that there may even be some widow alive today that the history books have overlooked. If history lost track of Civil War widows once, it could do so again.
KeymasterI just noticed that the off-site CL portal was blank – not down, but blank. Donnie, did you take it down or did hackers get to it?
KeymasterOh but your source is not a bonified scientist, just a two bit meteorologist who has only cursory knowledge in climatology...... ::) You know that's what you know who will say. 😀
True, that is likely what he would say. In doing so he tends to construct the rules of the argument in his favor to help him win....not a convincing way to argue IMO. But anyway, one thing I don't understand is that I saw on a GW news report footage of people "fleeing" the coast, which I presume was meant to show that as ocean levels rise there's going to be mass migration away from low lying coasts. Perhaps this is a "warning" that has been published elsewhere as well - it may have originated from Al Gore's movie. But if we're looking at the melting of glaciers - especially glaciers into oceans which take up 2/3 of the earth's surface - this should happen gradually, not "suddenly". If you leave an ice cube in an empty cup the whole thing won't all of a sudden turn into water, filling it to a certain level; rather, you'll have gradual dripping and rising level of water at a slow rate.So if this is true, mass migration along low lying coastal areas would seem like a scare tactic than anything else, would it not? After all, they'd have plenty of warning that there's rising water levels. It's not as if we're at some tsunami-like situation where towns get wiped out with waves of water. Am I right on this?On a side note, I thought I heard recently that one of Al Gore's claims in his movie - that water levels would rise by some 40 feet in so many years - was a claim that even IPPC scientists had dismissed as exaggeration because the real rise would be a mere fraction of this (a foot or perhaps a few feet, I think the number was). Anyone heard this?
KeymasterAgreed; but also History Detectives on PBS deserves a look.WallyBTW, I voted for Modern Marvels....W
Modern Marvels is a deceptively great show. I say "deceptively" because from the outset I would normally have no desire to sit through an hour or so worth of TV covering a topic as mundane as "rubber" or "sugar" or "plastic" or whatever topic they might cover. But once you start watching it's hard to pull yourself away. They make it that interesting.Is the PBS show you refer to where a group of history "detectives" tries to hunt down clues to determine something from the past? I think I saw an episode some time ago.
KeymasterI think it's interesting but can see how it could be used for the wrong socio-political purposes. Perhaps we are supposed to presume a line of poor African Americans see their “American reality” contrasted with that of a beaming white “American reality”, complete with happy family, kids and dog in back, driving along in their car. “World's Highest Standard of Living” is then contrasted against the realities of poverty, suggested by the people standing in a line. This is supposed to be irony, or perhaps biting sarcasm.To me it's interesting because of the typical 50s-esque advertising which was awfully optimistic and positive-sounding in those days. Nowadays this could likely result in criticism of American culture...I could foresee this coming from the "New Left", as Donnie calls it.If someone thinks the criticism of culture or times (via the photograph subject) is merited, however, I would like to know why. What should the photo have looked like? Should the people in the ad not have been smiling? Should they have looked glum and dour? Then it wouldn't have been a very good ad! Should it not have said "Highest Standard of Living"? But this might not have been true - a standard of living is relative to that of other countries, so generally the poor who live in rich nations are "better off" than the poor in poor nations.I guess I would like to hear some criticisms that New Left historians would make about society using the photo.
KeymasterYou live in a pretty area. Beautiful nature you have there.
KeymasterHere's something interesting:Global warming debunkedThis meteorologist thinks that it will "be a joke" after a few years due to the fact that mankind's activities have so little effect on GW - less than two tenths of a percent in terms of affecting greenhouse gases. Query: what if it's true that the GW craze is truly a myth which is being used to change the face of socio-politics, economies, and so forth over the course of the next five, ten, twenty years? Who stands to gain by this? Who stands to lose? How would politics and economies change? Would global power structure shift because of policy changes?
KeymasterSpeaking of the Odyssey Marine Exploration company, they just made a find in the Atlantic which could be valued at $500 million. They didn't give details about the location of the find in the ocean.
KeymasterPhidThe history book does not give the name of the Terrell County family who raised the Indian child. I don't know how to trace his lineage
Sounds like information you would only be able to find if you stumbled across some old letters in an attic somewhere.....wait a minute!! 🙂
KeymasterActually that site has a number of other catapult kits….it's rather amazing what kind of technology was in existence during the Middle Ages. The Wiki article doesn't mention when the trebuchet was first used, but I wonder if it was developed during the Dark Ages.
KeymasterI like the titles you gave the guests and spiders: Wanderers and greek spiders. 😀
Yeah...I'm thinking I did it a year ago or so...or was it during the Great Crash of September '06?