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KeymasterI watched a history on cocaine recently and it's interesting to see how it got started. It began as a “miracle drug” which was added to a lot of different products. Only after some time did it dawn on people that it was addictive and led to destructive behavior. I think that this is the kind of sentiment that alcohol had as well. If I recall correctly cocaine was restricted by states and only later by the federal government, perhaps in the 1920s (but maybe earlier). This would coincide with the timing of the 18th Amendment. I don't know why something like alcohol would be de-criminalized but drugs would not be, other than if they realized that alcohol wasn't as addictive and it could still be enjoyed in moderation. It would be interesting to see the correlation in governmental timing in its response to both alcohol and cocaine (and other drugs).
KeymasterWell (and maybe this is what you really meant) I do think that they can fill up those CDs (as well as make them) with content, but the content is, for lack of a better word, “dumb”. And I'm not just talking literally about some guy rapping “this is why I'm hot” and scoring a hit single with it. I mean that good citizens are not produced – ones who know and understand the deeper principles that form the foundation of America and that of Western Culture. There might be art in our world today, but what can we say about it? The “great art” (or at least “popular” art) has become the creation of blasphemous chocolate sculptures or turning Obama into a religious figure. The most beautiful structures in our cities are either virtually non-existent, or those based on older designs. How far removed we are from the glorious creations of Michelangelo and Raphael, the architecture of Brunelleschi or the Greeks or Romans. Or look at the magazines of today that crowd grocery store check out counters. Would we have found Thoreau, Hamilton, Locke – even Voltaire – reading any of these? Part of the problem, I think, is simply that our social standards have relaxed so greatly. We haven't had pressing needs, we're moved by materialism, and we feel we're entitled to special grants and favors. I don't mean to say that everyone is this way, but the ideological trends of our time have moved in that direction. Had Aeneas come from a 21st Century America mindset, I don't know that he would ever have founded Rome.
KeymasterInteresting post, Donnie. It seems that many colleges direct toward wage earning and directly applied academics rather than the liberal arts of ages past. In essence this drift has turned our nation and perhaps other nations into people who are “dumber” when it comes to rational thought even though they may be well trained to carry on their profession. I say this because a good liberal arts education teaches from the universal traits of mankind that have been ascertained throughout time. A liberal arts education takes from the lessons about Achilles, Plutarch, St. Augustine, Descartes, and Adam Smith; your typical contemporary education takes from texts explaining modern theory and application in engineering, marketing, or the array of sciences.This modern form of education is geared toward responding to market needs, so I suppose this trend is to be expected. Schools have discovered that when the market demands certain kinds of workers they can supply them and become successful at creating these workers. I don't see anything wrong with this on a personal level, but on a broad level I think it can be dangerous. When citizens are not educated with the classical teachings that past civilizations have handed down they do not know how to think. They adopt a plethora of views, perhaps even those which are contrary to the nature of our democracy. They have a skewed view of what "rights" are and they come to think that principles of political correctness are our greatest ideals. I think that over time such kinds of citizens would cause a nation to implode.
KeymasterYes….and look at how much your stash has grown since then.
KeymasterWell the effects at least had something to do with. Time to discuss that in another thread! 😛
KeymasterYeah we still have 4 months to go. 😉Ok already, I'll try to work on something!
KeymasterI believe there are certain locations where you pay a fee and can spend time on a dig site. Probably won't find any 13th Century jeweled crosses but might be interesting nonetheless.
KeymasterI think it's only 2%. 😮
April 5, 2007 at 3:31 pm in reply to: Not so good if you recently bought Civil War items on Ebay #8528Phidippides
KeymasterHere is a cached page of what apparently was an item he was selling: some guy "Adirondack" Murray" -- from the Civil War?)The guy had a sweet job....too bad be blew it. I suppose that since he probably was not well off yet surrounded by so many pricey items the temptation was too great. I wonder if he knew that the items he was selling were not cataloged anywhere that they couldn't be recognized as "missing items" from the Archives.
KeymasterIs this one of those deals where you illustrate absurdity by being absurd? 😀 I think I see where you're going with this. You should run that by you-know-who and see what he says. ::)
Hey, you can blame ski for starting this one - not me! 😀
KeymasterThis site runs on web servers which take up a lot of energy, which indirectly causes carbon emissions. If Donnie will let me I'd like to buy some unused credits from so we don't have to charge such a high tax here.
KeymasterOk, I did another fix. Cross your fingers!
KeymasterHave you been to Jerusalem?
KeymasterSki, did you ever end up taking your trip?
KeymasterAnyone notice any overnight increase in their bank account? I'm stuck at .19 shekels….I don't know if the fact that I have less than 1 shekel in the bank is preventing its increase.