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KeymasterI have heard that as well – that Savannah is a beautiful city. I've never been to Georgia aside from the Atlanta airport (does that count? 😀 ).
KeymasterActually, I'm working under cover. I'm really looking where to place the next Walmart. 😀
No, really, have you seen any of those frames on the sides of buildings? Not that you would have known what they were had you seen any....
KeymasterI agree that the Bourne Identity and Bourne Supremacy were pretty darn good movies. Of course the early Sean Connery 007 movies were pretty good as well. I really liked the movie The Saint starring Val Kilmer. Also, the Tom Clancy books made into movies have been pretty good as well and I don't know why more of them haven't been made. I think the last was The Sum of All Fears, perhaps back in 2002.
KeymasterBut in my understanding the Jews were primarily engaged in jobs such as banking and lending money. See, for example this post where I had found lending became a “Jewish industry” as it was forbidden within Christianity.
KeymasterI believe the Germans were working on a jet-propelled fighter that was just going into production at the end of the war….I believe I saw something on in on the History Channel a while back. It might have changed the course of some battled had it been introduced a year or two prior to that. Anyone know more about this?
KeymasterAlright, try this one instead:
KeymasterIndeed, I will have to reset the shop back up, including the interest building. Really, once I changed hosts the spell check was gone. It was possible because of something the host had installed. If you're using IE 7 there may be an add on or feature for spell check in your browser. I'm using the Firefox browser now and it underlines words I spell wrong in red, so it's like a build-in spell checker. Kind of neat.
KeymasterPlanet of the Apes = POTA. I haven't seen High Noon, either the original or the remake. Now that I think of it, the movie The Jackal, starring Bruce Willis, was a decent remake of The Day of the Jackal from the 1960s or 1970s.
KeymasterIn the 50's they were rocket crazy, so this doesnt surprise me.
I just think it's amazing that even the concept of this form of mail, which might have seemed like the wave of future at the time, was completely relinquished by the likes of e-mail, which sends messages virtually for free around the world in a matter of seconds. Actually, it hasn't completely relinquished the idea, as physical delivery of messages/packages is still perhaps slower than any rocket. Overnight shipping, however, has really narrowed the delay in sending packages in a commercially-profitable way.
KeymasterWell, didn't they used to use sawdust as insulation for ice to keep it from melting (e.g. in ice boxes)? Then I suppose they figured they could use nature to their advantage. If you think of it it's pretty interesting…if they could have moved it they could have had massive bases to launch aircraft from at only the cost of setting it up and floating it through the ocean.
KeymasterI can imagine that a good part of their time during the late summer/fall would have been to gather supplies to last the winter. In a family history that we have it said that some of my ancestors lived in what sounded like a mud home along the banks of a river when they first got to their destination in central Minnesota perhaps in the latter-19th Century. Sounds pretty harsh. While it was probably something made of some sort of mud brick (rather than living in a hobbit hole in the side of a river bank) it's still not the nicest way to live.
KeymasterWell if you don't like remakes then you might not like the new POTA either. It seems strange, when you think of it, to do a remake of a classic motion picture. What are they going to do, improve upon it? I'm not sure if I know any remakes of classics offhand that have been better than the original.
KeymasterWell that's interesting – has gold not increased in value much since the Civil War? Here's from that site you linked to:
Worth roughly $100,000 in 1865, when it disappeared, it would be a small fortune in today's dollars--around one million dollars.
Think about a movie which used to cost a nickel or dime back in the early days of Hollywood - now the price is 100 times for a ticket. But the value of gold has only increased by 10? Strange...Of course it's an interesting story about the gold, one I had not heard of before. If it was divided up it could easily be lost. I wonder if the story about it being buried at the plantation is an old fabrication.
KeymasterThat's a pretty big racetrack. I can't say I'm a NASCAR fan either, even though I did catch a bit of the Daytona 500 the other week. My brother-in-law is working in Cincinnati, and from what I hear it's 15 miles from Independence. Tell me - how far a drive is it to Lynchburg, Tennessee?
KeymasterYes, thanks for registering on our site. I've found a way to keep virtually all robot spammers away from posting on this site. Of course, no one can keep human spammers away, but that's not so much of a problem. 🙂