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KeymasterThere's nothing like music that can bring a person back in time. It really has a great nostalgic effect. Although in addition to music, I have found that scents also can bring you back; if you come across a scent you used to experience as a child, you will be brought back to that age immediately.
KeymasterFrom what I remember about this mine, there are numerous booby trap type impediments to explorations.A real mystery 😕 😕
Yes, I think that would be half the fun of it. As long as no one got hurt, of course. 🙂
KeymasterOh, I see – so the troops were actually trying to find her husband (I didn't catch that from the first reading). It sounds like you are pretty familiar with your family history. That's pretty good to know. Was Francis Marion the same as Mel Gibson a la The Patriot?
KeymasterWow, well it's great to hear from you! Glad nothing bad has happened. The old computer melt down…not a good experience, I know. Well, we'll be here waiting for more history discussion whenever you get back up and running. 🙂
KeymasterPhid, The Revolution in rural Ga was a bloody, no quarter given affair. The Tories that were hung had made her kill her last turkey to feed them. Also they were on the trail of her husband and his companions.Nancy had acted as a spy on occasion by playing the part of a halfwit and going into British camps. If you Google Nancy Morgan Hart there is quite a bit of info, There was another Nancy Hart who was a spy in the War Between the States. My GGG-Grandfather was involved in some of the hostilities in SC and Ga. He fought with Gen. Francis Marion and Col. Williamson. He survived the Colonial rout at Briar Creek Ga
KeymasterWow, that's quite an interesting story. However, was that the normal way Tory soldiers were treated? I thought it would have been a more common thing for the enemy to request/demand a meal at private residences. Also, I wonder why they didn't send the Tories to a Colonial jail or something of the sort rather than hanging them.
KeymasterI think a WW3 scenario is still possible and real. The use of a nuclear weapon by one nation would be an invitation for further use of such weapons by other nations. This is why it is so important we prevent any nation from using nuclear weapons at all. If Pakistan uses one, then India will likely too. Then other nations will have justification to use them in the future.It's a scary scenario.
KeymasterHonestly I didn't know any counties in Georgia, except for Macon County which I recalled when I looked at this list.,2092,4802_5083,00.htmlI'll say "Morgan County" was named after a women. 😕
KeymasterPhid, I would say the colonists were split rather evenly on revolting at least initially, but as the British became more forceful, they lost more and more Loyalist supporters. The war wore on from 1775-1783...that's a rather long time for resentments to grow.
You could be right. I had heard the 1/3 statistic a while back and I don't know the source of it offhand. I don't think that Zogby did "exit" polling or anything of the sort back then.
KeymasterWow, that's a pretty neat story. I'm sure that the Krag carbine is quite an artifact now. Please let us know if you have any stories that these friends of yours had told you in the past.
KeymasterI recorded a show from the History Channel which discussed the rise in cocaine use since the early 20th Century or perhaps the late 19th Century. It's interesting to learn how these drugs gained popularity at different points. I do realize that opium appeared to be socially-acceptable at one point as Sir Arthur Conan Doyle tells of of Sherlock Holmes taking the drug (I believe this takes place ~1885).
February 15, 2007 at 10:41 pm in reply to: Book investigating Christian-Jewish relations of the Middle Age #8245Phidippides
KeymasterDonnie, I was not under the impression that it was in line with anti-Semitic propaganda such as you say. In fact, according to the article the author is a rabbi and he does not believe that “ritual murders” actually took place. My problem is the glaring double standard that I see with those who dismiss bad news about their own from the get go. Do they also dismiss bad news in the same manner when it's directed at another group?I don't know if the people in the article are like this, but it does seem to be a sentiment in our society where a victimization mentality promotes its own oppression but doesn't want to see where this plays to unfairness to others. Haven't all groups been at fault at some time or another in the past? Haven't we gotten to a point where we can acknowledge this and move on?My real point here is that I don't know whether the author's points are true or not, but I don't think that they can be countered by an argument that is based on "look at what will happen if these points are taken as true by the public". I think this turns into a practice of selectively dispersing information for social or political ends.
KeymasterI find my information the same way I know that Skiguy visits TCS Daily, or how Stumpfoot's wife is a massage therapist, or how Donnie has a dark past he's trying to escape from….ok ok well maybe that last part is a bit of a fabrication, but the other information is public knowledge that anyone can find. I think I could be an internet investigator if I wanted to....
KeymasterWell I found his telephone number so if need be we can always call him. I also have his address so we can hang out at his house if we're in the neighborhood. 😀 😆
KeymasterI found this site: like students have a place to "report" their professors when they "indoctrinate" the classroom with an agenda. I'll have to look through it some more...