Forum Replies Created
KeymasterI was under the impression that Josephus was not inside when this happened. In fact, I know that he was with the Romans (behind their lines) as Jerusalem was surrounded. I would expect that he wouldn't have been inside Masada when it was under siege. I wondered myself, though, how Josephus knew what was inside. I asked it in this thread here.
KeymasterThe Gunsandall wiki generates a lot of links. But you're right, Wikipedia has the monopoly. Perhaps then a History Vocabulary database where college students would come to get definitions of various historical topics and figures or ideas? I know my ideas are lame, but I'm trying. 🙂
Wow I didn't realize it was generating a lot of links. When I was making improvements to it I thought I was basically doing it for an audience of one (or two). Too bad no one else at NJO really has the desire to see something like that succeed. It really needs to be a group effort.As far as a history wiki goes, a history dictionary might work - as long as the ideas keep coming things can work (though I don't know if I wouldn't know enough to help much with a dictionary). Another idea might be a wiki on history's worst blunders, or perhaps historical conspiracies....I don't know I'm trying to think of things off the wall that haven't been done before. 🙂
KeymasterI recently began creating a wiki for a commercial site I run. It can be a lot of work. The one problem with a history wiki is that it might compete with Wikpedia, in which case we would lose every time. You really need something that is unique and covers some ground which Wikipedia doesn't already cover. I thought the gun wiki would be a good idea because although Wikipedia does cover guns, I thought that NJO users would be able to give their own personal opinions on guns which might make it more of a tool for rating and purchasing.Which wiki did you say gave you a lot of links....the old NJO wiki that didn't really get off the ground or the gunsandall wiki?One more thing - the problem with buying up domain names can be that a) they can add up ($7 a year can add up over time) and if you don't make a site, it will simply go to waste and you'll end up letting it go in the end. I have done that where I don't use it after a year and just let it go. And a "wiki" is just a web site where many people can edit and contribute to it, like Wikipedia.
KeymasterHa! No, I didn't create the games myself. There are many more we can play if the need arises. I only put five or so on there as I think they're good games. I was hoping some of the NJO guys would start to play them….I even made it so that guests can play without creating an account to make it easier.
KeymasterNo, not quite a web ring. More like a web empire. Now there's an idea we might be able to adopt….
KeymasterDuring this time, wealthy Protestants offered starving Irish Catholics a deal: we'll give you food if you convert to the Protestant faith. Accepting this offer was known as “taking the soup”. From what I understand, doing this gave one the reputation of being a traitor. The Little Ice Age that affected Europe from the 15th to 19th Centuries had some influence on the potato blight. I don't recall from the show I watched whether it was simply a case cooler weather being more conducive to the blight or not.If you have seen Gangs of New York you know how the Irish lived when they arrived in America from their homeland. Some of my ancestors were in the group of Irish immigrants who settled in New York, though I believe they came during one of the later waves later in the 19th Century.It's interesting that you're writing an historical novel. You'll have to keep us posted on how it goes.
KeymasterI suppose it would be a better idea to have a link on the WCF site pointing to “religious history” and have that go to CL. It might not be a bad idea, as they might send traffic back and forth. That actually doesn't sound like a bad idea – you're directing communities without tainting the central theme of either of them.
KeymasterPerhaps the ultimate thing to do would be to merge AHF, WCF, and CL into one forum. That would probably make it a little bigger than NJO. But is it feasible?
I don't know how well that would work. It seems that forums work best because they are communities along the lines of a certain theme, and CL's strength in theme is different than what the strength of a history forum might be. I think what you'd have would be a big history forum that pushes out the core CL posters or threads. Of course, we don't really discuss religious history here, so that would be something that CL could be grow in. What do you think? I think there are ways of marketing CL that we haven't done yet (that I know of). For example, if we hit the blogs and comment on stories, we can often link back fo CL. People who like what we say might then follow those links and see what we have to offer. I've tried doing it a bit on history blogs for WCF but there really aren't a whole heck of a lot of history blogs. I do believe there are a lot of Christian-themed blogs, though.
What are they doing over at AHF that is bringing in all the trafic?
Good question. I do know that the owner (Jolly Roger) has a lot of forums set up and so he must have a lot of links pointing in his direction. I think people follow his main site ( and if you visit it, you'll see that the guy's got dozens of other sites set up, some of which have their own forums. I believe AHF is one of those forums. The problem is that the guy just sets them up and lets them be, and they're therefore not really moderated well.
KeymasterSnatch it up! It is time for the Emperor to set out on an expansion campaign. Hail Caesar!
Indeed! But it's more like Hannibal going up against the Romans....we are formidible in our own right and are kings of this side of the Mediterranean, but we are still poor in the history forum world. 🙁
KeymasterThanks – that was fast! I'll post this over at AHF where someone was asking.
KeymasterDonnie I'm sure if you were locked in a room with nothing but a pencil and a piece of paper for an hour you'd come up with 50, or somewhere not far from that number. The names are stored in your memory I'm sure. You'd be able to consider figures in individual fields such as politics, military, philosophy, religion, literature, and so forth instead of trying to think of “anyone” in the Dark Ages.
KeymasterDonnie if you're interested this might be a good idea for you to consider:I haven't gotten any exchangers through it yet but it still looks rather small.
KeymasterYes, I can see the stats. I don't think it will be a big thing, but it's not going to hurt. Experimenting with strategies is always good.
KeymasterI just caught this which touches on FDR and Thanksgiving:
In 1939, President Franklin D. Roosevelt moved Thanksgiving forward by one week, believing that doing so would help bolster retail sales in the midst of the Great Depression. This led to much upheaval and protest, causing some to deride the holiday as Franksgiving. The word, coined by Atlantic City mayor Thomas Taggart, is a portmanteau of Franklin and Thanksgiving.
Who would have thought there was a word for it? Franksgiving it was!
KeymasterI guess I forgot to address the reason why Christmas was outlawed. Was it because it was associated too much with Catholicism? From what I recall the Puritans or Pilgrims in the American colonies didn't celebrate Halloween because it was associated with Saints and therefore too much with Catholicism. Perhaps Christmas was viewed along theological lines as well, although the connection to a distinct line of Christianity is not so clear.