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KeymasterSo in that document linked to above:
The use of computers on the flight deck allows for automated monitoring of flight status(Wiener, 1989). On-board computers can alert the crew when certain configuration itemshave not been accomplished and display the actual status of the plane. The computer canbe used to verify that certain items have been accomplished and thereby substantiallyreduce the number of items on the checklist.
So I imagine this is how the checklist in automobiles has progressed.
KeymasterTest to see if working.
KeymasterTell me – why do you include those books on South Carolina in there? Is it simply out of personal interest?
KeymasterOk, some good sources there.
KeymasterI never go through a checklist with my car. I don't test the brakes, the steering, or check the engine fluids/fuel etc...every time I get in. I can see that being normal in the early days of aviation.
Isn't that because a checklist is already done automatically in your car? When you turn your car on, lights flash briefly on your dash and if they go off, you're good to go. Actually, you are probably right in the sense that in the days of early aviation, there were fewer things to check before takeoff, thereby making a checklist less obvious.
KeymasterWhat did they do before the checklist? Seems sort of intuitive to have such a system in place.
KeymasterI don't think it's right to call the pope “idiotic” because of the way some partisan group can spin it. When the pope speaks, he does so wearing many different hats – theologian, statesman, diplomat, leader of the world's Catholics, etc. There's no way to please everyone, and the people who have the media in their pocket will have stories spun their way. We saw how militant Muslim's responded to some pretty tame words by Pope Benedict XVI with rioting years ago, which should be proof that partisan groups will do what they will. When it comes to certain figures of public prominence, it's best to ignore so-called “analysis” by the media and go straight to the source.
KeymasterI should probably be excommunicated for even thinking such things, but then I never thought a sitting Pope would give homosexuals a pass and say we should accept them as they are either. I am rapidly beginning to re-evaluate my commitment to the Catholic faith but that is a topic for another thread entirely.
I'm guessing that you probably heard what he said filtered through the media, since what he said actually said didn't sound different from what we knew before. The media, on the other hand, has had a field day about it. But as you said...perhaps an issue for another thread.
KeymasterWhat about writings such as (Gospel of John):
33But when they came to Jesus and saw that he was already dead, they did not break his legs, 34* s but one soldier thrust his lance into his side, and immediately blood and water flowed out. 35An eyewitness has testified, and his testimony is true; he knows* that he is speaking the truth, so that you also may [come to] believe.t
And after the Resurrection:
24It is this disciple who testifies to these things and has written them,* and we know that his testimony is true.n
There may be other similar references similar to this in the New Testament. It seems that these statements - which may seem a bit out of place to the ordinary reader - are meant to give the sense that the account was objective. However, I do agree that many ancient texts (e.g. biographies of political figures) were not impartial descriptions.
KeymasterReally? To me, sounds too much like “Calgon” and I imagine a soapy bath."Nero", however, sounds nefarious.
KeymasterYeah but the cities it took from were all over the world (including the U.S.!).
KeymasterThat they are coed. Some guys hang out with the girls at the weights for chatting and resent interruptions. In Santa Monica where PERFECT was filmed, the ladies put on makeup an the men shaved and doused with cologne before going to the workout room. 1976-84 I belonged to a males only gym and it was superior to all I've been in since. Lakers, ex-Rams, and visiting teams used the facilities as well.
Interesting...I hadn't thought of the concept of male-only gyms (though Curves is female only). Where I have worked out, it hasn't been quite that big of a problem. When I picture gyms in California, I picture the ones outdoors near the beach, with muscle-bound men working out in the sunshine.
2nd peeve -- apparatus hogs who do a set and sit in a daze for long minutes listening through earphones.before doing the next set.
Funny! I had heard that same criticism before....people who do a set and then rest while they contemplate the universe, before starting up again.My recent pet peeve is the people who workout and then don't put their weights away. They just walk to another side of the room, and you're left wondering if they're coming back or not. Easy solution - PUT YOUR WEIGHTS BACK!
KeymasterEven if your wisdom, espoused in such private threads, could lead some lost sheep in the ways of historical and political analysis? And also, how are the historians of the 22nd century supposed to find archival material on “DonaldBaker” unless we make the information publicly available to them? 😉
KeymasterI have another request/notice. I would like to move some of the posts from the Roman Senate to the General Discussion (politics) area. I realize this might be a thorny issue, which is why I wanted to put it forth here first. The Roman Senate Chambers is a place that is “private” from the prying eyes of Google or the occasional passer-by, and perhaps you spoke more freely in a thread there because you knew it would not be picked up. At the same time, I think we have some nice discussions there that may benefit the populace, and even attract more visitors to WCF. With that in mind, I want to move some of those better threads to the Gen Discussion area. However, if I transfer a thread and you object to it being transferred, please notify me and I will see what I can do to remedy the problem. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable speaking your minds here.
KeymasterPretty neat, but what happens if the thieves, after peering through a keyhole, don't see anything worth taking? The property owner arrives to find a turtle wandering around encased in melted wax?