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KeymasterYou are right that it is pretty good on non-controversial topics. It has many entries on obscure topics that are probably not found in normal encyclopedias, which is a bonus. I tell you - Encyclopedia Britannica could possibly have prevented the rise of Wikipedia if it had only changed its business model by offering its content online for free. Instead, it chose a "subscription-based model", effectively cutting off its content from the vast majority of internet users.
KeymasterWell, let me be clear that I am not suggesting Obama has been able to single-handedly raise the level of economic well-being of Third World countries. I think that long-term policies in place in the West, however, have helped these countries. Foreign aid and the IMF, for example, have helped these nations operate in a way that they would not be able to without them. At the same time, certain policies in the West have harmed these nations. Subsidies to sugar farmers in America, for example, have undoubtedly hurt the Third World.What I do think, however, is that Obama has helped curtail American economic expansion, thereby creating a more "level playing field" among the nations. Global poverty is reduced much through things like technological innovation and access to free markets. The cell phone, for example, has allowed vast numbers of people to communicate even though they may live far away from land line phones. Goods have also been produced much more cheaply than in the past, making them more affordable to the masses. So yes, the Third World has inevitably benefited from certain developments in the U.S. and other parts of the West. According to one theory, however, it may be the case that this has taken place at a time when Obama has been beating down American economic excellence.
KeymasterAmericans may be poorer, but the Third World seems to be less poor:World poverty is rapidly dropping, Oxford University report saysThis actually corroborates the thesis of the person behind the movie about Obama and 2016 which came out last year. In it, he suggested that Obama was interested in curbing America's strength so that other nations were effectively raised up. It is a rather sadistic plan, almost smelling of conspiracy theory, but any number of things that Obama has done supports this interpretation.
KeymasterI am wondering if they would put the remains in a museum….I can understand if they need to remove them given the fact that they need to build something like a train station there, but they should at least remove them properly and put them in the kind of place they were in originally.
KeymasterI've seen those kinds of photos before, and I wonder how they make them. I'm assuming they're photoshopped in afterwards?
KeymasterHow do we know he nearly won last time? Because the press says so? The ballots are destroyed after every vote, that is where the smoke in the chimney comes from and the Cardinals are sworn to secrecy about the vote tallies. If I remember it right there are only two cardinals who tally the votes and they are both non-voting.
Yeah, I wonder how they know this as well. One point, though - I thought that the votes are read aloud as they are counted, so theoretically more than one cardinal could tally the votes. Also, I am not certain whether or not final vote counts are announced to the others. I would almost think they would have to be, or else voting could go on forever. I would not be surprised if votes are changed to align with those who have a better chance at winning, and this would really only be possible if vote counts are known at least in part.
Keymaster“Within minutes of Titanic striking an iceberg on April 14, 1912, Hartley was instructed to assemble the band and play music in order to maintain calm.The eight musicians gallantly performed on the chilly boat deck of the Titanic while the passengers lined up for the lifeboats."How would you have liked that job.
KeymasterThat is why I assumed you raised the name of Peter Turkson as a candidate – the prophecy of St. Malachy.
KeymasterNo, I (am glad to say I) do not. Conspiracy theories involving the Jesuits go back years, and it was over at Donnie's other board that I butted heads with someone claiming the Jesuits were somehow involved in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. A while back in a class I took on the history of the papacy, the issue of why the Jesuits were historically viewed scornfully by some people came up. The reason seems to have been that the Jesuits befriended people of high rank, and were therefore seen as having access to power channels. There may have been other reasons as well, but this makes some sense. The Jesuits took a different approach than, say, the Franciscans.
KeymasterHow much do you want to bet that the NWO and conspiracy types are going to have a field day with him being a Jesuit?
Do people actually harbor those conspiracies nowadays? I thought they were the kind of thing you'd find in historical writings of decades or centuries ago.
KeymasterVery interesting. From Argentina, a Jesuit, and the name of Francis. I will have to wait an hear why he may have chosen that particular name.
KeymasterWaiting to see who will be the next Pope. Tons of people crammed into St. Peter's Square.
KeymasterAccording to the article, he was questioned after the bomb attempt and then put into a concentration camp, and inexplicably freed after some time.
KeymasterYes, I think they can, but I figured that any extra covering helped. I imagine, however, that fleas were all over their garments anyways. It is interesting, however, that those bird masks worn by doctors contained vinegar, which is a known cleaning tool even today. I wonder if the fumes helped prevent doctors' contraction of any airborne diseases from patients they came into contact with.
KeymasterThe best way to make money on a website is to provide content worth subscribing to or to offer something people will make donations for. Otherwise you have to get lucky and create a site that generates a ton of traffic that will entice others to want to advertise on your site.
I don't know...I've never donated to a site for the sake of having that site stay open. I might make a donation to a cause, but not really to a site. If a site has to ask for donations to stay open, perhaps it should reconsider its business model, or it should close down altogether.By the way, I typically make more from Amazon commissions on a small but focused sales site than on much more popular sites which are not focused on items for sale. This is why I think that "incidental advertising" is just not all it's cracked up to be.