Forum Replies Created
KeymasterYes, I agree. Older buildings are often times functionally obsolete, but their exteriors frequently look a lot nicer than modern buildings. Besides, the Post Office needs money, and it needs to rethink the way it does things.
KeymasterI suppose that figures. I thought that the high “boots” they wore around their legs might have decreased the rate of flea bites.
KeymasterYes, and that is all we can hope to do in such investigations: use the evidence to come up with the best possible conclusion, and revisit it from time to time to see if additional evidence corroborates it.Incidentally (and not to throw wood on the fire), the archeologist in that article was the same one featured in the article which we commented on here.
KeymasterYes, that it true – the mummified upper echelons of Egyptian society would not have been required to perform manual labor like the plebeian class, nor would select groups of individuals. I recall a statue of a seated scribe from Egypt, c. 2500 B.C., where he is depicted as somewhat pudgy; so I suppose this does indicate the presence of obesity even back then.
KeymasterI found #7 to be interesting. In my experience, I have found that the most effective way to make money is not through banner ads and the like. In fact, the click through rate on those kinds of ads is miniscule. Much more effective is integrating text ads into the content of one's site as part of that content.
KeymasterI am thinking, though, that since they were not eating processed foods in the pre-modern world, and in different combinations, the effects would be different than they are today. The so-called Mediterranean diet today is apparently high in fats, but these are in such combinations where they can actually help people lose weight. Add to this the fact that manual labor and physical exertion was much more in the pre-modern world, and at least some of the fat intake would be balanced by all that energy expended.
KeymasterHave you tested it out yet? I think I know the answer to that already. What kind of distance have you been getting from it?
KeymasterI can't believe he could remember all those riffs and rattle them off one after the other. I would have a hard time remembering how to start the next riff, especially after playing dozens of them already. More kudos to him.
KeymasterI thought it had to do with diet. I recall hearing an archaeologist on TV talk about how nicely preserved the teeth of an Egyptian skull was because they did not eat food to give them tooth decay.
KeymasterThat's looking pretty good so far. Did you find instructions on the design on the internet somewhere, or have you just been tweaking it according to trial and error?
KeymasterI'm pretty sure that has happened in the past, at even longer intervals. My accidental handling of the registration on this forum had stemmed membership levels, and although it was done as a means of thwarting spammers, I think the end effect proves that they have already won. Alright, ha ha, just kidding a bit. I will make some posts to the forum today when I come across things that are historically delicious….or maybe just worthy of being eaten as intellectual scraps.
March 8, 2013 at 10:55 pm in reply to: Surprise!! High Schools are pumping out kids lacking basic skills and knowledge #28347Phidippides
KeymasterNo, a private Catholic school. Still, it's not exactly a “preppy” or rich school like what you might find around Boston or surrounding areas. I think that the school got a deal on the laptops. Apparently, the school board implemented the program without the input of the parents.
March 8, 2013 at 10:29 pm in reply to: Surprise!! High Schools are pumping out kids lacking basic skills and knowledge #28345Phidippides
KeymasterOoh, that is brutal. I am fortunate to have had an excellent former nun as a seventh/eighth grade teacher who made sure that we learned English grammar pretty well. One of the most useful things from that class was the ability to deconstruct sentences and know how to classify each word/phrase. When I went back home for Christmas, I found out that my nephew, now in the seventh grade, goes to a school where everyone in his class was given a laptop for schoolwork. As much as I love using computers, I cannot see how that kind of thing is justified, since computer use is not really fundamental to becoming a good student. Instead, it becomes a means to distract students from what should be the main task of learning essential concepts and approaches to solving problems.
KeymasterI still think he has some flaky ideas but he is not as far out there as his dad. I will give them both points for being honest about their positions and sticking to their guns. I may not agree with all their positions but then I don't have to agree with everything they say.
Honestly, I don't think I would agree with any politician 100% of the time. For me to be satisfied with a politician, I would have to agree with them on all major social issues I believe in, as well as perhaps 80% or so with the rest of what they say.
KeymasterI respectfully disagree.(love the twitter response from Amash!)
He took the lead on calling out the Bengazi attacks. I give him credit for that.