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KeymasterCatal Hoyuk goes back about 1500 year before that Bulgarian town, and it's not far away. It would be interesting to see a town of that age appear in Europe somewhere west of the Balkans.
KeymasterDemocrates delenda est!
KeymasterMy uncle's basement was flooded and his car floated in the flood. They live on the same strip of land south of Brooklyn not far from Breezy Point where all those homes burned.
KeymasterLet's hope you're right. Dick Morris has long been predicting something like that, where Romney would get support in droves en route to a victory. He is the one pundit who is truly staking his entire reputation upon it. He'll most likely be considered a genius pollster or one who utterly lacks credibility after the election results are in.
KeymasterIt's been windy here, and stayed in the mid-50s all day, so it's getting cold here. Might have to turn the heat on for the first time this year.
KeymasterIf you were a real rower, you'd be going out in a boat right about now.Just kidding. 😉 Glad you still have power.
KeymasterSki, give us periodic updates on how you're doing, what you're seeing. My brother stationed at Aberdeen MD seems to be in one of the projected paths of the hurricane, and I'm guessing it's kind of near where you are.
KeymasterWell then how about my initial question – wouldn't artifacts/remains typically be found, even if the battle happened a thousand years ago? I'm not necessarily supporting the guy's overall assertion, but is this at least abnormal?
KeymasterThey say the storm might affect early voting, I think in Florida. What if the storm affected various swing states so as to swing the election in Romney's favor? How would that go over in America?
KeymasterI'm guessing yes, but I don't think it will be as hugely pro-Obama as last time. RI is a Democrat state, more union, blue-dog type. A lot of Catholics too. We also have one of the worst unemployment in the country. This will be interesting. What's surprising me (if the local polls are any indication) is how close the Congressional races are. Sheldon Whitehouse...or Seldom Righthouse as we Republicans call him not far ahead of the opponent. The problem with the Republican opponent is he didn't get his name out there soon enough...unless doing it now at the end is his strategy. In their debate, he (Barry Hinkley) made Sheldon look like an idiot. And his recent ad is devastating IMO.Maine is up in the air, NH recently flipped for Romney, CT is a close call. The only lost cause in New England is Massachusetts...but I am curious to see what happens with the Warren-Brown race.
One of the things that makes me fear for the future of America is things like that - it seems that Republicans should be easily winning in some raced but are not. I seriously wonder what it would take for American voters to see the damage the Democrats are doing. Oh wait - but they want to give out free birth control, so I guess that justifies everything.[/sarcasm]
KeymasterAre you sure rowing class will be “canceled” Tuesday? It might turn into the biggest rowing event of the year (ok, let's hope not!).
KeymasterIs Rhode Island an Obama state? I never hear about it as a battleground state, so I suspect it's already in the bank for Obama.I'm hearing conflicting things about the election. On Neal Boortz I heard them talking about how it's going to be more difficult for Romney to win, yet on TV they're saying that they're confident Romney is going to pull this one out. My hope is that the undecided voters in those polls they take all go to Romney come November 6. From what I have heard, that is the way voting patterns normally work.
KeymasterIt was never actually down for me, and I visited the site periodically throughout the day yesterday.
KeymasterNo matter what you guys think of Obama, I think the man is a good person. Yes he is a socialist and his views are not good for the country, but he is likable or at least to me he is. Bill Clinton was said to be likable, but I could not stand that creep. Obama has never said anything or done anything that has really turned me off like Clinton did. Romney is a pretty stale guy to me. I think I can like him too, but he just seems more distant and above the average Joe. Is it possible to like somebody that is destroying the country? I don't think Obama is this sinister conspirator out to destroy America, I think he literally believes his social views are what this nation needs....that is sad in of itself. Maybe I just pity him because he seems like a nice guy who could have been a good president if he left his ideology back in Chicagoland.
For a moment there I thought someone hijacked your account. I will agree that he has a personality which is "likable", thought I have thought that about Clinton and Bush as well. I think whenever you see a man as POTUS who is put under a microscope by the media, his personality - flaws and all - become familiar and likable to a degree. And it's easy to want to sympathize with someone who comes under harsh criticism from the nameless pundits and media.With that said, one look at Obama's policies and I see someone who has wreaked utter havoc on our nation. Take, for example, his HHS mandate which forces Catholic employers to have the choice of either a) violating the tenets of their faith or b) paying massive fines, which would probably lead to bankruptcy. All for what? To serve the demands of the extreme left, to serve the demands of the sexualized left who don't feel content to exercise their "sexual liberation" privately, but want others of us to pay for it. Wait until Catholic hospitals - which have provided charity to their communities for decades, or perhaps 100+ years - go out of business because they are fined millions by the federal government. All because of Obama. Yeah, a real "nice guy" indeed. Wait until the payment of these fines is enforced. All for what?This is only one of the issues Obama has been a disaster at. I could also point to the decision to not enforcement of DOMA, the appointment of bad SCOTUS members, his handling of conflict in other parts of the world, his utter failure to revive the economy while increasing our debt by a lot.
KeymasterIt was a “zinger”-type comment, but one which I heard some people say was uncalled for and unpresidential. I suppose this is the case anytime you start treating a presidential debate as a smack-down session (“we have these things called submarines which go under water….”). I realized that it must be hard for any non-president to challenge a sitting president on foreign policy, since presidents are the experts by default in that area. I thought Romney did a pretty good job and held his own.