Slightly? 😀There are a few things that seem odd. The Saudi national who they supposedly deported. What's up with that? And why didn't these terrorists kill the driver of that car they hijacked. Was he their ride?And I'm not ruling out what Donnie said either. Wasn't there a Saudi family or something that disappeared after 9-11.
I don't have as much a problem with the "public exception" to reading the suspect his Miranda rights. I believe that is an exception which has already been in place and has been reviewed by the courts and found to be constitutional. I have more of a problem with making up new laws or exceptions on the spot in response to events than laws which have been enacted and put into place before situations arise.
And that's exactly what they are doing. I'm the one coming up with exceptions or new laws. I do think it will be impossible for any court to strip an American-born citizen of his citizenship because it's by birth. Since it was a court that gave this guy his citizenship, then a court can take it away and it wouldn't set any new precedent. Since this "public exception" seems to be such a problem for everyone, then just do that. The guy is a jihadist and an enemy combatant. There is no doubt in my mind and he should be treated as such. Like I said, these people are using our Constitution against us and we cannot let them do this. How do you think they infiltrate the country? By using student Visa and becoming naturalized that's how. Making any exceptions for Islamic terrorists is not a slippery slope. If anything, it protects our rights more.
I did answer your question: profiling Muslims is not a violation of their rights. And I also said that this “American citizen” committed an act of war on a major US city. I have no problem whatsoever taking away his rights as an American citizen. Let's even go the legal route-strip him of his citizenship. And there's no slippery slope here as I am only talking about Muslims and Imams. It's time the idiot politicians and other lawmakers in this country start taking this threat seriously without sugar coating it. Even Obama the other day “let's not jump to conclusions” and something along the lines of “don't judge a whole people” In other words, he along with many others have their collective progressive heads up their you-know-whats when it comes to Jihad and Islamic terrorism. Strip searching white, old ladies, and four year toddlers is the slippery slope we're on only because these morons are too afraid or too stupid to profile the group who likely do this. For example. What's it going to take to wake these people up? Boston has been hit twice so far – this one and the 9-11 hijackers flying out of Logan. I'm a little concerned what strike 3 will be. This kid and his dead brother are very likely part of a terrorist cell here in New England. They have in custody two others from New Bedford, MA who knew them. And don't make me defend the ACLU because I will not. Next to the Muslim Brotherhood, they are the most deceptively evil organization in America. But they have taken on cases that were religious in nature and have taken the religious person's side. Not many, but they have. And you and they are in agreement about reading this Islamic terrorist his Miranda rights. Don't even go there, Patrick. I have never and will never question your patriotism or say you are weak on terror.
Because Tea Partiers don't blow up people at marathons. Anything the SPLC has to say doesn't stand a chance in any court. I dislike the ACLU, but they will be the first ones to defend this “hate group” garbage.I'm not tearing up the Constitution, I'm tearing up this PC crap. Would questioning the Imam in every **** Mosque in this country be a violation of the 1st or would it be considered an anti-terrorism measure? I vote for the latter. They hide behind and use our Constitution against us because in our muticultural sensitivity we let them. Profiling, questioning, and investigating them is not violating their religious freedom. We are not saying they can't practice their religion nor are we shutting them down. Where is that radical cleric at Northeatern? Where is the leader of the mosque in Boston where one if not both of the terrorists attended or once attended? Are they in custody or have they even been questioned? My guess is no.
I don't care what any politicain or anyone in the media says right now, because they just don't know.The public safety exception to Miranda is a Supreme Court decision (New York vs Quales), you'll have to take it up with them.Of course I admit my opinions may be biased because we ar at war with Islam and I view this bombing as an act of war. And any Muslim, US citizen or not, who commits an act of terrorism (war) on our country doesn't deserve any Constitutional rights.
How do you know whether or not he's been read his rights?How do you know if this kid is even conscience? He was in critical condition.Even if they don't read Miranda to him, he still has those rights.LE's first job is to see if he had more bombs planted. Not to convict him, but for public safety. Let's say he planted another bomb at Northeastern. He gives the authorities that information, they find it and defuse it, THEN they read him his rights and charge him for it. If he's never read his rights, then I might have a problem with that. If they are questioning him to get information of more immediate imminent danger, than no I do not.
If more people were out wouldn't that have meant more eyes? It was a citizen that saw the spotted terrorist anyway. Could thing he got bored and felt like checking things in his yard. I wonder if the next time it happens, it wil be a voluntary lockdown. I can see the Obama administration now”Hey, look at Boston. No one really complained. Let's just declare Martial Law next time”
If Odumbo showed as much fortitude and anger towards Islamists as he does Republicans, he could actually be a pretty good president.But I doubt this will happen. It's back to disarming Americans, forcing Catholics to hand out free abortion pills, and marrying queers. That's more of a threat to him, the Left, and most Democrats than anything else.
The Left are the bigger threat to this country and the world than anything else. Ed Shultz is an idiot. We have an opportunity as a nation to turn now. Do we still listen to the Obama worshippers and these morons on MSNBC or do we start showing some common sense now? I'm not holding out much hope.
I also heard some discussion later on the news that there is apparently some method whereby a Citizen’s 5th Amendment rights can be revoked.
Miranda rights are not necessary because it's some public safety exception. Anything this guy says or admits to is submissible in criminal or any court. To me that's a good thing and also shows that Federal authorities defined this as a terrorist attack - as they should have. I'm wondering if they will treat him as an enemy combatant or if this is just going to be tried in a criminal court. We shall see.Now that this is over it's back to targetting white, Christian, gun-owning, right-wing, veterans. Sickening.
Quote from Freerepublic:"The almost non existent Obama during all this will suddenly show up and parade all the cops and investigators involved with this terror strike around DC town. The Media will gush about how well Obammy handled this situation, just like he had been there and caught the guy himself! Comparisons will be made between Bush's 9/11 and Obammys. Then the media "analysis" of what is wrong with America and how it turned an innocent little boy into a radical."Sadly, I think this is what we'll be hearing from the media, especially that last sentence. All I know is I followed the pursuit, but I am not at all interested in hearing the "analysis" of these two.Will they profile Muslims now? NopeWill the raid the mosque where that first dead terrorist attended in Boston? Nope.Will they now admit that Muslims hate America? NopeAll we'll be hearing is that not all Muslims are like this blah blah blah and that the war between Islam and everyone else is everyone else's fault.
Why would they want to drag us into some Chechnyan dispute? That's between them and Russia and Russia would never let us get involved. I think this is all part of the global Islamic jihad against anyone who doesn't follow the Koran. People can deny it or excuse it all they want, but that's what it is. They just arrested 3 people in New Bedford, MA who are connected to this second kid. Haven't followed up on it much so I don't know what that's about.
Question now becomes - was it a religiously-motivated attack, or a politically-motivated one?
If it's Islamic in nature it's both because Islam can't separate the two.My guess is he was influenced by his older brother who seems quite the jihadist according to his personal online records.And I think the reason they locked the city is because this is a terrorist cell of more than 2 involved. They know something. I'm betting there are bombs or threats of bombs planted throughout the city. Why would they be doing a controlled explosion in a heavily populated street in Cambridge of the second kids apartment? They evacuated UMASS Dartmouth, which is no where near Boston, to checkout the kids dorm.Either that, or they are embarrassed because a whole police force and then some let a 19 year kid escape from their grasp.I can understand if it was only the area where these two were intitially found but I'm surprised so many people are cooperating. Some of the pics of downtown Boston today are eerie and apocalyptic looking. Boston strong? No more like Boston sheep. Maybe if they let the people out, they would find the kid. Or perhaps I should start listening to Alex Jones more and become more of a conspiracy theorist. Maybe this was a test by the Obama administration to show how easy it is for the Federal government law enforcement to takeover a major city.
There's so much news to follow about this! I don't know about the picture, but the reports came directly from the Mass St Police twitter account earlier this morning that they shot the other brother and he was run over. Whether that was by his brother or the cops I'm unsure. My guess is he shot the MIT officer then the cops pursued and caught them (well, one of them) in Watertown and the suspect was shot dead on Dexter St. has a map of where the incidents occurred here) of Dexter St. Zoom out and scroll down a little to the Charles River, and directly across the river is Community Rowing. That's where I was last night.
They say it is. I'm only going by reports. He was run over. No bomb on him, but he had a detonator.South Station on lockdown (biggest transportation hub in Boston)