he was canceled for being “too sophisticated” for the housewife audience
That's kinda funny! ;DWasn't it much more than just Jeopardy he produced? Merv Griffin Productions I think was his company.He certainly died a very rich man.
Guess I'll have to see the movie. I liked the first one,but not the second. Have you seen all 3?I can only answer question a) yes, absolutelyQuestion b) what do you mean specifically by immediate executive oversight?
I'm not sure Phid. Does it mention the depth anywhere? If not too deep (whatever too deep is) and France and England where joined, maybe it didn't take much to form the channel (unless the glaciers/river(?) eroded it a way more like a Grand Canyon type of thing)
Maybe you don't want appear to be”begging” but maybe if one of your members does the begging for you? Some of them are really intelligent, I'd like to see a few here.
I know, I thought there'd be at least ONE. Maybe start some tempting topic on CL in GD like The History of Liberalism, but tell them it is to be discussed here? Or something like: “We are currently discussing _____ here, come join the conversation”
What are you lookng into? Does the credit transfer work the same for Master's as it does BA's? It's $825/credit hour for Grad courses I think, how is that price compared to other schools?
It's some grant they have. It's only for BA students…Master's people have to pay. I like the setup. The recent books I just received would have cost $200.