American Historians usually view the war through these filters and use it as a springboard to the Revolution.
How do you think the Revolution would have played out if this war had not taken place. Would it have happened? If so, Would it have just taken a little longer to come about?
This is really not that big an issue. Insurgent psyop on Americans is ineffective. Where they are very dangerous is their use of psyop on the Iraq citizens, and that's where our biggest problem lies. Look at Hezbollah's use of it in Lebanon, for example. VERY effective. :-It's difficult to counter that because of the cultural differences and the "validity" of us(non-Arabic/non-Islam) vs. them.
Thank you for this topic! The insurgent's psyop has been going on quite a while, wouldn't you say? They've been effectively using the media and videos a lot.Some of those posters are really bad, but if that's the best they can come up with for pschological operations, that's good for our side. I don't think they are going to affect our troops too much. Did you see the George Bush "Animal" one? 🙂,,70141-1274249,00.html
You might want to get a copy of Kate L. Turabian's handbook for writers. The Chicago Manual style (Turabian) is preferred in most History departments. Political Science writers bounce between MLA and Turabian, but some use American Psychology style...which sucks btw. I prefer Turabian now that I got weened off of MLA. ;D
I'll pick that up, thanks! Why does ASA suck? Is it because of the way it looks?And why do they all use different citation regulations??? >:( That's stupid. How do "ibid" a different page number? Ibid. p. 27 (for example)?
Something I hope to get from my studies is how this GWOT isn't a religious war. It may very well be one, and is viewed as one by the radical sects, but I have this crazy idea about how to “psyop” the opponent, and/or the people they are trying to intimidate, into thinking it's not. There are a lot of ties between Chritianity/Islam/Judaism that could be”exploited”(for lack of a better word) not just for our advantage or best interests, but for peace.
In the modern mind, the Crusades are poorly and erroneously defined. Virtually everything thought about them is wrong. The Crusades were not a war; they were a series of wars. They were not fought between the ?Saracens? and the Franks, they were fought between Turk and Syrian and Egyptian and Byzantine and Mongol and at least three ?crusader? kingdoms, most of whom allied with and against each other at various times. The alliances only rarely followed along religious lines. The Crusades were also not national wars in any sense at all. They were medieval wars in which the feudal overlords of cities, castles, or provinces made war against each other with greed as the motivator and loot as the object. The Crusades were not religious wars. Lands were conquered not for Christ or Allah, but for warlords. The followers of a religion were as likely to be killed by their co-religionists as by their infidel opponents.1
1Nafziger, George F. Islam at War: A History. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 2003. Praeger Security International Online. 5 Jul 2007.
allowed him to dig into ancient Roman villas and unearth statues, pottery and other artifacts which he then sold for millions of dollars on the illegal antiquities market.
So this guy digs in sites with lax surveillance, yet can sell the artifacts for millions, seemingly with no questions asked.I don't understand how it's possible to get away with this. Don't you think the buyer would require authentication records (where found, who found it, etc) and intensive traceability for something this valuable? How could it not be known that something was looted? (especially if the buyer was someone like the Boston MoFA).
Did you paint that ceiling yourself?Stumpfoot, that's quite an impressive inventory. I'monly starting getting into reading more so my collection is rather small at the moment.You guys should do a"what are you reading now" thread and have a book review/roundtable discussion.
I would go to that Revolutionary War demonstration, but this weekend is when the Tall Ships are coming to Newport. That just means lots and lots of traffic and huge crowds. yuk.
They've made and are threats, and are actively seeking ways to become more a threat. Stumpfoot, I viewed the question as "going back in time but not yet realizing what Hitler would become". I answered it as "Hitler hasn't done anything threatening yet"
I guess I'm just being stubbornly thick headed because I interpret the question differently.If from the future and you did know what Hitler was going to do, then yes.The atomic bomb was justified ONLY in that it stopped the war.Quick question concerning the present. Would it be morally justified to assasinate Chavez or Ahmadinejad right now? My answer is a resounding YES.
Because at the time you didn't know he was going to commit those attrocities. It sounds like you'd be placing blame on yourself when it's not your fault.
Maybe I'm looking at it more from a “what would the CIA do” perspective than an ethical one.I still think it would be unethical to kill or even punish someone for a crime or threat not yet committed.
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