By George, that makes perfect sense. I need to get out of my mind that anact of terror has to inflict mass casualties. Intimidation alone is enough to call itterrorism.From DHS, their definition of terrorism
Terrorism is the use of force or violence against persons or property in violation of the criminal laws of the United States for purposes of intimidation, coercion, or ransom.Terrorists often use threats to:Create fear among the public. Try to convince citizens that their government is powerless to prevent terrorism. Get immediate publicity for their causes.
to research facilities, a ski resort and other businesses
I don't think that should be considered terrorism.but this
toppling of a high-tension power line
is questionable. Was this just a power line to Vail Ski Resort (grrr :x) or another business? Or was this a main power line for a population of people?I think an act would be defined as terrorism if they vandalized power plants or other utilities.
I can do that or minor in something. None of my core courses involve Middle Eastern Studies, haven't looked into it, but I think I can take 18 credits and get a certificate in something (which would look good on a resume or to be considered for an assignment overseas $$$ :-D). But I'll take it one step at a time. Let's just get by this introductory class and math.Thank you all for your help and encouragement.
I enrolled at AMU (got a huge thumbs up from nearly everybody. It's highly recommended by the intelligence and military communities). So I am now a college student. An old one, but a student nonetheless.Chose as a major Intelligence Studies with a concentration in Information Operations...basically PSYOP (without all the push ups and stuff). Not comparing myself at all to a Soldier, no way, but I sort of feel like I just enlisted. I'm getting educated for war/national defense.Wish me luck! Starting in June.
What do you think contributed to its decline by this time?
Looking at Islam now and how fractured they are, and I don't mean because of us, (that's just how they are and always have been), I'd have to say that is the major reason, or one of the major reasons anyway.They can fit into, and have an incredibel talent, to influence other societies, but they can't live within themselves. There are too many internal differences among them.What I find incredibly interesting about them is how long they've lasted, seeing that they were basically split since the dawn of Islam.I wonder why that is and I wonder what contributes to their longevity. Is it their ability to rule by fear?
It's kind of interesting how much African colonization perhaps played a part in starting WWI. Germany's been mad with France and Britain for a long time and for a lot of reasons. It makes me think whose motives were “purer” (for lack of a better word). Germany seemed to get the short end of the stick when it comes to African colonies, and in a way, I can't really blame their actions. They wanted a piece of the African pie too! But anger and threatening gestures (like the Panther), instead of diplomacy, seemed to overtake better judgement on Germany's part. They made themselves threatening, and Britain and France got uncomfortable with that.
Maybe it's just marketing strategy. It was kind of misleading. We don't have them here yet in the Northeast that I know of, but one's coming. When I first heard of it, I thought it was more a military surplus type store, or better yet, a store that sold GI Joes and accessories (which would have been cool!!).
We used to have the Chaffee's. But that ended rather abruptly last election. Other than that, there was really no one else in Rhode Island… unless the mob “family” counts. 😀
I think you nailed it when you said familiarity. I swear people vote on name recognition only, not realizing or understanding what the candidate stands for on issues. “Whoever has the most campaign signs on my street gets my vote” I think that's the new American way. 🙁
I'm watching a special on The Weather Channel. Forecast Earth with Dr Heidi Cullen. It's hard to watch because they are just completely convinced, and convincing, global warming is man-made. They can play to the emotions, and anyone who doesn't hold to their doctrine is called a skeptic instead of what he should be called, a scientist or expert who disagrees.
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