Well, I was thinking more along the line of an “assault” weapon being an AK-47 or AR-15 or some other “military style” (I like that little term the Left throws in…ridiculous!) rifle. How is banning them going to make the least bit of difference when it comes to gun violence? Knives, forks, pencils, cigarettes..they're all assault weapons too.
That doesn't scare me, I just need to be aware of it because, unfortunately, it happens.I'm not really sure what direction to take, I'm just asking advice and to look at all options.
Thanks for that answer, Phid! I am afraid of the "agenda" factor with these types of classes. I just want to learn, not get all high blood pressure if the prof angers me or if the students are all anti-everything I'm for.This seems to be a graduate program more than UG. hmmm
I'm not sure, but I don't think it's political science. You can get a degree in it. There may be a lot of politics in the classes. Was just wondering if this was history/politics or if it was more current events. I wonder if Neme's taken any of these classes. I should ask at NJO too.
I can tell you right now he will dismiss these articles because they are not experts in the field. Economists and professors who are not climatologists have no say so in this matter according to him.
Unless, of course, they are economists who wrote anythng in the IPCC reports. 😐
Phid, I'm just lookng at the incident itself and not the motivation (whatever that may have been).What I meant by someone from Hezbollah doing it is, he can do the exact same thing (same method, number of those killed), but his motivation would, I thnk, be more political therefore defined more as terrorism I'm sort of thinking of a lone suicide bomber that drives his van into a school or something like. Same results, different reasons. But, yet, that would rightfully be called an act of terrorismThis shooting was a psycho incident more than anything. I'm not implying that he was a terrorist or that this was a terrrorist incident, I'm just raising the question, if done by someone else like Hezbollah, would it be defined as a terrorist act?Seems like it's a fine line between a criminal act and terrorism. It depends on who does it I guess.
No, it had nothing to do with the racial component. Incidents like this have a lot of similarities with terrorism (fear, intimidation) but I wouldn't define this as an act of terror because there doesn't appear to be any political motivation.On the other hand, if a member of Hezbollah or another terrorist organization did the exact same thing....
Wasn't Coolidge pretty much an isolationist? I don't think it could happen again. If it does it would be because of a global depression. Was it global back then or just the United States?