You can also take the Rosie Route (take the subway) when doing a walking tour of Boston 😀
Relief is at hand for the foot-weary, however. Each excursion also offers the opportunity to take a "Rosie Ruiz" escape route made famous, or infamous, by the legendary runner who ducked out of the prescribed route of the Boston Marathon, using the subway to leapfrog over the first-place runner and "win" the women's category in 1980. So, too, these outings enable you to walk and take the "T" for a power return.
Not all arguments are worthy of participating in, don't you think?
To a degree, which is why I usually stay out of religious debates. BUT, and I know it's just a concern, this global warming thing has me quite scared.He can say whatever he wants about the Bible or God, it's just when he calls me stupid for believing it..that's when I get back. Maybe I have, but I don't beleive I ever made fun of him personally for believing in science. If he takes offense to what I say about global warming or evolution, too bad.
I agree. A hate crime is directed towards an individual or individual group. Like what the KKK does.Been pondering this all day: Terrorism uses fear and control in order to reach a political agenda.
By "feelings" I don't necessarily mean wishy-washy type of crap, but rather the use of popular opinion or even foreign practices to support one interpretation over another. Of course if law were to be boiled down to a popularity contest, we would have no real need for the Constitution anymore, would we?
Not at all, move it. I just posted it here because I didn't think it was history.The popularity contest. That's what concerns me because it seems like more and more of that is going on. It's almost like the interpretation is determined or even swayed by public opinion of the day. 😐Like, for example, is marriage defined in the Constitution? Should it be?
Thanks for the answers. I new “living document” was a bad thing. What about adding amendments? Each admendment stands in and of itself, correct? They're not adding a new meaning to a previous amendment.I just don't understand how the SC can make a final ruling "OK, this is what the 2nd amendment means and that's it" yet it can be changed by another Supreme court ruling. Why can't it be "locked in"? Or is it?
instill [/i] the desire for democracy in the Middle East than it is to place that choice before them.
I would say the latter because there are many strong forces against it and trying to prevent that from happening. It's not the majority of the population, it's the power that certain groups possess (just look at their media influence!). IMO, the desire for democracy is shared by most. There's a lot of evidence of that.