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I think you can apply as an individual too.
Do you and/or your sailing team
I tried to impress them with my historical knowledge of the Battle of Salamis and told them I rowed. We'll see. 🙂
skiguyModeratorNever saw it or read it at all. Makes me feel uncultured. I want to see this new movie though. The previews look pretty good.
skiguyModeratorI like when the reporter said “isolationists vanished into thin air”
skiguyModeratorRead this earlier today. Not sure whether to laugh or feel bad. What a dumb mistake.
skiguyModeratorI don't know if it's that. I think it may be because not a lot of people row so the star rowers stand out more. It's kind of weird because it's not like rowing brings in revenue as football would. I think it's more a prestige thing. If Cornell is longing for the days of beating Harvard, they will recruit.
skiguyModeratorWe can't go out when there is ice. And when the temps get below I think 35 they have an 8 oar rule…meaning you can't go out alone. Like if you are in a single, there has to be at least 3 other people with you.It's the most physically demanding sport I've ever done, and that includes rugby. 2000m may not seem like a long distance, but if you're trying to do it under 7 minutes, it's tough. I guess it can be recreationial and relaxing if you want, but that's what kayaking is for IMO. I can see where this would be boring to some, kind of like marathon or any running for that matter. It's not really that hard to participate. All you need is a boat club nearby. Just pay annual dues and you can use their boats as much as you want. Not many people have their own boat, singles are $8-10k and the 8-man boats are around $30,000. Not something you'd want to strap on the top of your car!And did you know that rowing has the or one of the highest percentiles for college scholarship opportunities?
skiguyModeratorI may have a chance to go down there. My rowing instructor who I've become friends with rowed for Drexel and he goes to Philly often. Rowing crew with a bunch of 20-somethings would probably kill me, but it would be a blast! And maybe I'll learn how to pronounce Schuylkill too. 😀Some may say it's a obsession, which I won't deny, but I've never fallen in love with a sport/activity like I have with this. Everything about it...the history, the beauty, the teamwork, the focus and physical power required, the drive to win incredible and even spiritual. What really fascinates me is that it is both beautiful and brutal at the same time. Seeing a crew all in sync is like viewing fine art, to look like this while doing it requires giving it everything you got. I liked rowing bowseat just to watch all our oars and bodies move as one. Hard to describe how that feels.
skiguyModeratorGot 2/7 as well.
skiguyModeratorThanks for all your responses. 😀 Just bought it from Amazon yesterday. Soon as I get it it's next on the cue. If it's as history related as advertised, I'll throw down a book review.Now watch. I bet Amazon will have free shipping or something on Cyber Monday. Oh well, shouldn't really complain. Book was only $1.69 used. (+ 3.99 shipping)
skiguyModeratorI know now. (if I had my way, I'd say bring back that lobster tradition)
skiguyModerator1. Geese2. Christmas & Easter3. Wild guess. Paper mache or large banners
skiguyModeratorMaybe Petraeus can look into…oh wait…nevermindOK, Phid, I looked at the creit card bill. You charged $475. I would accept half. PM for my address. ;D
skiguyModeratorDo we get any refund on our monthly subscription?
skiguyModeratorNot sure if WCF does this already, but can't you use an email confirmation type of thing?
skiguyModeratorThis veteran would be on the first thing hopping to get back to the US and fight to preserve those rights I spent over twenty years defending.
It's not you veterans we worry about...or at least I don't. Most I know are on the same side. It's the cops. They are so politically connected that I think they would would willfully obey government orders and many cops would be more than happy to be gungrabbers.