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I'm trying to figure out exactly what your problem with the situation is. Of course corporations want profits. If they did not, they would go out of business. And of course they want government policies which help them accomplish this. Where is there wrong in it?Profits are necessary for corporations to exist and flourish. In pursuit of this goal do you know of caseswhere the Corporations enlisted the skills of Lobbyists to pressure politicians to adopt policies thatenhance profits to the detriment of the nation. Among many, I pick just one--the mining of coal bytearing off the tops of mountains and letting the water supply suffer. This is well documented and I wold prefer your comments rather than a discussion of the practice--is that possible?
Marriage customs in Ancient Babylon Ancient Babylonia was a society, which, although it did not …
In 407 B.C. and again in 405 B.C.. the Spartans in alliance with their old enemies, the Persians, …
I came across an article about the lemons and other citrus fruits in the ancient Roman world. …